53. Skeleton

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TRIGGER WARNING: eating disorders.

My Charlie,

I'm happy to hear that you made it back safely. But I'm sure my Dad will be happier to hear that you'll let him hex you.

There's things I want to be tell you but can't through this letter. Just know that the Ministry is now within Hogwarts, and I have severely paid the price for it.

But know that, I am okay. If something was to happen that you needed to come home but I am not able to tell you the reason why, I'll tell you to bring me "firewhiskey."

I hope that makes sense.

I love Hogwarts and I'll be sad to leave but truth be told I'm counting down the days until all my portraits I paint can be of you and the dragons.

Your Puff,
Ollie OXOX

Snape was able to stop the bleeding of Olivia's hand. He kept to his word that he didn't say anything to Umbridge, but he did personally deliver the news that Olivia withdrew from her class.

The next day, Olivia took her bandaged hand to the studio to paint. Or at least attempt to. All morning she was having dizzy spells and was having trouble focusing in class.

George had to remind her three times that they had Transfiguration instead of Charms. But she got through it, and all she wanted to do was see if she would be able to paint with her damaged hand.

Olivia was standing in front of canvas getting ready to start when her knees buckled. The room began to spin. And then the world went dark.

Draco had been walking to the studio to play the piano like he done most evenings. He was almost to the doorway when he heard a crashing sound.

"Ollie? Was that you?" He said looking into the room. Draco seen the redhead collapsed on the floor with paintbrushes shattered around.

"Ollie!" He said rushing to her, he rolled her over, "Don't you try to die on me!" He felt to see if she was breathing, he barely felt her breath.

"I'm going to get you help, I've got you." Draco said, scooping her up in his arms. When he did, Draco expected to have some weight to her but he knew that she was too easy to lift up.

She felt like a skeleton in his arms.

Draco didn't hesitate. He ran out the door with Olivia limp in his arms. Most people were still in the Great Hall for dinner so the corridors were clear as he headed to the hospital wing.

He kicked open the doors, making them bang back on the walls. "I need help over here!" He yelled. Racing to the first bed he came to, he lowered Olivia down into it.

"Mr.Malfoy what's going on? Oh no is that Olivia!" Said Madam Pomfrey coming out of her office, hurrying to the girls bedside to help.

"I just found her like this, she was collapsed on the floor. I don't know what's wrong with her." Draco said panicked.

"I'll take it from here. But I need to you to go straight to Professor Snape and alert him what's happened. Go!" Ordered the nurse.

Draco sprinted from the room and down the stairs into the Great Hall. He slowed his pace to a fast walk, all the way up to the staff table.

Stopping in front of Snape, he dropping his voice to a hushed tone and said, "Professor, you are urgently needed in the hospital wing. Right. Now."

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