30. The First Task

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The next morning, before charms class, Olivia had decided she was going to tell Cedric about the dragons. Forgetting that he was the only champion that didn't know, she felt that it was wrong to keep him out of the loop.

She was getting ready to ask to speak to him when his bag ripped open. Olivia bent down to help him pick up his things and clean the broken ink bottles. Harry had walked up and helped them too.

"Cedric I need to talk to you." Harry said. Olivia looked at him with a brow.

"I was just about to tell him too." said Olivia realizing that they were on the same page. Cedric gave them both a odd look.

"It's about the first task," said Harry.

"It's dragons." Said Olivia.

Cedric looked at them stunned. "What?" He said.

"One for each of us. And we have to get past them." Harry told him.

"It's true Ced, we've seen them." Said Olivia nodded her head.

"But how do you know? We weren't suppose to know." Cedric said.

"Nevermind how we know, the point is that we aren't the only ones that do. Maxime and Karkaroff both saw the dragons too. I'm sure that Fleur and Krum will know by now too." said Harry.

"Why are you both telling me this?" Said Cedric, more to Harry than Olivia.

"It's just... fair isn't it? We all know now we're on an even footing aren't we?" said Harry. Then Mad Eye Moody emerged behind him.

"Come with me Potter, Diggory and Evans off you go." Said Moody leading Harry away.

In charms, Olivia could see the gears turning when she looked at Cedric. Clearly, just as shocked by the news as they had been.

That evening after their lessons, Olivia and the twins found an empty classroom to form a plan to get past the dragons. They had cleared an area in the middle, pushing the desk to the perimeter of the room.

"Alright, anyone got an idea?" Asked George rubbing his hands together. Olivia looked at Fred and he looked at her, they both shook their heads. "Okay, so starting out strong I see." George said sarcastically

"I've been thinking about it, and I know I have to get passed the dragon but I don't want to have to cast a spell on it, that seems wrong." said Olivia

"Ollie, that dragon is gonna try and kill you. And from what you told us about what Charlie said, it's gonna try and eat you too. You can't base your plan around not hurting the dragon, it's a bloody dragon." said Fred

"Well, it's not like she can stun it, because it takes multiple people to do that effectively. And I'm sure the judges would count off for spells that harms the dragon. If only you could just not be seen, you could get passed it." said George sitting on top of one of the desk.

The idea struck Olivia like a train, "Oh George that's it! You brilliant boy!" she said kissing his cheek.

"Well we knew that I am brilliant of course, but maybe you should explain to Fred why I am? You know for his sake." Joked George

"I need to be able to remained unseen, from the dragon." said Olivia like it was the most amazing discovery. The twins only looked more confused at her words.

That night after dinner, Snape called Olivia too his office. When she walked in, he was restocking his shelves. Olivia walked over and sat on the edge of his desk, and picked up a half empty vial.

"Dang you must really go through lacewing flys, don't know why you would be using so much of them for." said Olivia handing him the vial.

"I know, and it's not the first time this year I've had to refill it. If I had to guess someone is using it for their own personal projects." said Snape

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