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    Jungkook pov:
       *Sigh* I got used with these detentions.... Because I have it daily..... Mrs.oh is very strict during detentions so I'm frightened whether she'd allow me to complete my homework here or not.....

    No one's pov:

       "Can I do my homework?" Jungkook asked slowly grabbing Mrs. Oh's attention who was looking at the paperwork *sigh* "you are allowed to do homework in my subject only" she said like an order. "But there is no homework in your subject... You didn't give us one" jungkook muttered slowly. "Then I'll give you one mr.jeon" she said while raising an eyebrow. "Ma'am please understand I have lots of homeworks today so can I please complete my other homeworks" jungkook asked more like a request. "So you are talking against my words am I right..." "No i- I just..." "Detention extended till 9 PM" you must go home only after 9 and untill that you have to learn only my subject.... Do you get it?" She shouted at the verge of her anger. "Yes ma'am" jungkook made sure that he has to be ready to meet the Devil by tomorrow..... "Continue your work.... I'll come by 8.55 PM" she ordered jungkook and went away after receiving a nod from him.

     After she went tears started forming in jungkook's eyes...... Because this was his daily routine but today is a bit different because of mrs. Oh...... Every morning as soon as he enters the school.... He'll be met with a slap or a pinch in both his cheeks sometimes a bite if he didn't complete his bully's homework properly..... After his lunch he'll be chased out of his class because of the fangirls and fanboys of his crush.... If he stayed everything he hears is horrible words about him... So he silently runs away and goes back only after the bell rings.... Get's caught by his bully just to get threatened by him and finally get detention..... Every week

     A small smile appeared on his face while thinking of his crush..... "What will he be doing now....... *Hiccup* what's wrong *hiccup* this *hiccup* is soo *hiccup* weird.... Who is *hiccup* thinking of me *hiccup* now?" Saying that he went to drink his water..... "Ahh this is irritating me.... But *hiccup* I'm happy that someone thinks of me *hiccup* who will it be .......*hiccup* is it Taehyung?????" Suddenly he stopped hiccuping and started blushing "so you think of me huh-....... Hehe I think of you all time" he thought in his mind while blushing like a mad boy.

Meanwhile with Taehyung:

        "Ahhhhh do u think Mrs. Oh is very strict" Jimin asked while driving his car to home with Taehyung and sprite..... "No I don't think she's strict.... But sometimes yeah-" sprite answered him while peeping her head from behind. "Yea!! Did you see our topper was ordered to receive detention... Aishh- it's his fault to appear late to his class" Jimin said with a sigh while concentrating on his driving "haha yeahh- but I don't think he came late willingly.... I even got chills by her shouting at her words who would dare to be with her for more than an hour" spirite answered while remembering the incident that happened in their classroom. "Yeahh-you are right afterall he's a topper and I thought he'd be the pet of teachers no wonder he's all lonely everywhere maybe I think we should keep an eye on him..... This guy is curious" jimin said with a mischievous smile remembering how he met suga.

        There was someone in the same car as them.... But never cared of their silly talks.... Suddenly he raised Is head and asked "who is curious? What are you both talking about?" "Yahh- Taehyungah-  these are elder things you shouldn't be curious in what elders speak you know??" Sprite snickered making Taehyung pout "but you guys are only few months older than me" "fine...... It's about our class topper Jeon jungkook" sprite said while giving up with his cute pout "Jeon jungle Book??" Taehyung asked while removing his earphones.... "It's not jungle Book you dumbo it's jungkook" sprite said while flicking his head "ahh- who is he* tae asked while rubbing his head where sprite flicked few seconds ago...... "WHATTTTT-???" Taehyung closed his ears with the help of his hands while "what's wrong with you both..... We are in the middle of the road.... You shouldn't shout like this.... Ow- my poor ears" Taehyung said innocently. "Aishh- this kid -.- Sprite explain him" jimin said with a straight face while focusing on his driving.

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