"Yes sir! What would you like to eat?" Asking me.

"Five Guys is fine!" Telling him.

He nodded his head and turned the music up just a lil bit. We both put in our headphones til we got to Five Guys to get something to eat. Lucky for us it was 5 minutes from where we was staying at. Normally I'll get us a hotel room but this time around I thought it was best for an AirBnb. Also it's just a safer way to protect ourselves well mostly me since I am the host of this trip. The house was nice on the outside and I hope to say the same about the inside. The driver brought our bags inside and I gave him a tip before he left. I put him in a hotel not too far from us so whenever we call he could as always be right here within a reasonable time. Locked up the house before going to settle in and eat.

"I thought you said we was gone be staying at a hotel room." She asked me.

Putting the food on the counter, "We were but somethings came up and so I had to change it to this. Is that a problem?" Looking back at her.

"Of course not!" Faking smiling, "So what is the mission this time around?" She asked me.

Taking a sip of my drank, "We basically have to keep an eye on this woman out here!"

"I hope not one of your hoes!" Side eyeing me.

Shaking my head, "Nahh... I wouldn't be doing this I'll pay somebody to do that for me. This for Scat and what he say goes!"

Nodding her head, "Okay! As long as I am getting paid and gifts I'll do it!"

Rolling my eyes, "Of course!" Eating some fries.

"I mean you be doing it anyways so might as well break those pockets." Winking at me.

We sat down and ate our food with some small talk. I guess you could say we was catching up with each other. It's nice having her back in my company even though I know I did her wrong. Yea I know she wasn't my girlfriend but I treated her as if she was plus that's what everybody knew her as in a way. I mean not my girlfriend but my main girl outta the rest of them. I already had females calling me a dog before the situation blew up but now they tread very carefully and question my every move when it comes to me partying with their group of friends. Plus the only reason everyone know about the situation is cause India big mouth ass went and told everybody. On top of that the fight they was supposed to have but she maced Zae. Anyway none of the new females I mess with brings their friends around me. I honestly stopped spoiling and buying every girl with all these gifts. Something I should've been stopped doing a long time ago. On top of all of that for some reason they think me and Zaylee still mess around. And that I be sneaking her in the house whenever they not around but I haven't she just never came got her clothes she left at my house. So it's in my closet with all of my clothes and every time they go in there they just see her clothes just sitting there. Which for some reason causes arguments especially since I make sure they take all they shit and leave nothing. I guess you could say I have a wishful way of thinking just in case we get back to the old us.

Zaylee Airport Picture:

Zaylee Airport Picture:

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