However the feeling of her smooth bare skin against his relaxed him

He let out a heavy breath to set breath correctly before he started to play with her snow white hair

He found the feeling of her hair comforting and relaxing at the same time. She didn't seemed to mind this gesture since she even started to do some sort of satisfied purrs as he caressed her white locks

Y/N smiled but soon it faded away

His eyes shifted from the girl to the ceiling

How could he consider this?

Meaningless sex? Casual sex? Or it had a meaning?

Because he genuinely considered this as something meaningful for him. Something he didn't wanted to be just about a single night and just that.

Did that was asking too much? That this wasn't meaningless

Could he be given the chance to love and being corresponded?

Even if they reached to this point he couldn't figure out what Valiana actually thought about him

She constantly said she hated him, but he highly doubted that she would give her body and chastity to someone she hated

Although just saying right away that she loved him was just plain ignorance

Sex lost all meaning through the pass of time. The sole topic has been bastardized to the point that people only have sex... just to have it and get rid of the so infamous virginity

He only hoped that this wasn't one time thing


Y/N opened his eyes from his sleep

He looked to the side of the bed noticing he was on his own

"A dream"

The teenager sounded disappointed

Instead of a dream it was more of a memory, that actually happened that day

"This is starting to be unhealthy"

Even if he tried to hide it he was still hurt about what happened with Valiana which shouldn't be happening

As previously said, she was nothing of his and never was. He was fool for getting attached to a woman who was just using him

Also this wasn't the first time he remembered their first and only time together, it happened quite a lot

He eyed outside the window only to see that it was dark. Tomorrow he didn't had to attend to school since it was a weekend so he could give himself the luxury of sleeping this way

Y/N got out from his bed and stared himself at the mirror

A sigh left his lips, he looked like a mess.

Then his senses picked up a familiar presence accompanied with a knocking sound on his window

He headed to where his window was and saw one of his pawn flying outside the window

Kalawarner asked for permission to get inside his room which he granted

"Can I come inside, my King?"

"Yes. You can. Come on"

He opened the window and she flied inside before Y/N closed the window again

Y/N looked at her with a questioning expression

"You got something?"

"Rias Gremory peerage is currently on a training trip to some sort of private area."

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now