It can only get worse before it can get better

Start from the beginning

Then as I was losing my self control he stopped. Then walked away. Why? I looked at him and whined. He chuckled and gave me a reasonable response. "You're cooking, let's not burn each other". He winked and walked away.

I stomped my feet like a whiny baby because seriously I had melted into his touch and now I was needy and he left. I groaned as I continued cooking.

We just made up and the teasing has already begun.

Taehyung POV:
It had been a few days since me and Namjoon hyung stopped seeing Yoongi hyung. He kept to himself in his room, he never came out to eat and when he did come out it was to go to work. He never listened to what we had to say either.

I got worried because as an older brother I too can understand his pain. He was not very easy to talk to either. He would just ignore us. we wanted the best for our kookie and if being with his soulmate gave him that then Jin deserved that second chance.

"Joonie hyung, I want to see Yoongi hyung like right now, please let's try and open the door". Namjoon hyung sighed because he too was TRUSTRATED
A/N: ( we are never going to let Jungkook forget that) but what could he do? He opened his arms out wide and I jumped into his embrace.

"I'm sorry Taebear but he's stubborn and he won't talk to us unless he wants to. We can't just break the door down even if that would be easy for me". I knew he was right Joon hyung is always right. I just wished he came out already.

Tell me I have magic in my words or it's simply the universe telling us to make up I don't know but Yoongi hyung actually came out.

He looks at me in Namjoon hyungs lap and I saw disappointment in his eyes. Maybe because he felt that he wasn't there for us enough or maybe because he felt like we didn't need him anymore.

I ran up to him and pushed myself into his arms. I wanted to feel his lips on mine again, I wanted to feel his touch, the same touch that gave me hope, comfort and happiness.

"Hyungie! You left and stayed in that room for days. Not once did you give me any of your attention and on top of that you starved yourself. Are we seriously such terrible soulmates that you don't even want to see us?"

I was full on sobbing into his shirt because I was mad and scared at the same time. I didn't want to lose anyone. Especially when I just got them.

Before I could say anything else he pushed me away from his embrace. "Taehyung you need to grow up please, how much attention do you need? You're constantly acting as if everyone should have free time just for you". I looked into his feline eyes with my teary doe ones. "I'm sorry". Was all I could mutter before I fell to the ground.

This is going to sound so stereotypical but as an omega I needed that love, I wanted that love, I craved that love. We are so overly possessive of our mates and we don't like it when they yell.

Yoongi hyung didn't yell he instead talked to me with disgust laced in his voice. I felt sick knowing I was the reason for it all.

"Hyung! Go easy on him, Taehyung has been worrying about you this entire time. It's an omega's nature to be clingy and in need of attention. If your OWN omega isn't going to ask you for it then who would?"

Then Namjoon hyung held me up and all I could do was fall into his arms. He caught me easily and patted my back. "It's okay's okay".

I tried to calm myself into Namjoon hyung's embrace. His scent was helping me drastically and on top of that his sweet words felt like a melody to my ears.

That's when I got pulled into another strong pair of arms. That smell of coffee. YOONGI HYUNG. I was fully engulfed into his hug. He held me close and rocked us slowly. His heart beat was fast and he was crying.

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now