22. The Night Before

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After about a week of sneaking around with Meliodas, sharing kisses and secret dates, he was asked to accompany my father at the casino for a few days. I had to stop myself from gritting my teeth at my father's announcement over breakfast yesterday morning. 

Meliodas had left today before I had time to wake up and see him off, but I remember him briefly leaving a kiss on my forehead as he snuck out of my room. 

It was only 11:00 am, and I had already done everything I had wanted to do. 

Read, draw, clean. Read some more, draw some more, clean. 

I now laid face down on my bed with an empty brain. I did contemplate calling Diane or Merlin over, but I still wasn't completely over how they ditched me at the bar. I know I ran out of there so fast they probably didn't realize, but besides a measly text, they hadn't checked in. 

Then the idea to go into Meliodas's room sparked my interest. I slowly sat up and looked at the door. 

I hadn't been in Meliodas's room since I walked in on him, which was a while ago. My face blushed at the memory of seeing him shirtless for the first time. 

I got up off the bed and made my way to his room, careful not to draw any attention to myself. I know the maids would come into our rooms when we weren't there to clean up, and I didn't want that to happen while I was snooping. 

I slowly pushed open his door and slipped inside, instantly welcomed by the smell of his cologne. My eyes shut instinctively as I inhaled deeply, trying to fill the small ache in my chest from his absence. 

It's just three days. 

Three days until he'd be back and I could see him again. Until I could hold him. 

I needed to get a grip. 

I plonked on his bed and looked around, my eyes lingering on his picture frames and other items on his tallboy and other small cabinets. This room was always so bare because we kept it as a guest room, but my father decided it would be best if Meliodas occupied it to be closer to me in the odd chance of an emergency. 

I smirked at the thought. Little did my father know

I laid back on the soft covers and closed my eyes. 

I never really got bored before Meliodas came into my life. Every time I would, I would just call my friends to hang out or go on my phone for hours. But since meeting him, those things didn't interest me as much, or I had to restrict them because he was busy. 

I wouldn't even risk leaving the house on my own now, knowing that man got away from Meliodas that night. Maybe if Meliodas had have caught him, I would be testing my luck right now, but it was simply out of the equation. 

As I continued thinking of things to do, I slowly grew sleepier in the comfort of Meliodas's scent. Lately, I hadn't been getting much sleep since Meliodas and I would stay up for hours talking, and I would wake up at 8 am every morning. 

Being here in his room, enveloped in him, but not him at the same time, was enough to make me pass out. 

Meliodas's POV: 

I've never been like this over a girl before, well besides Elizabeth, my high school girlfriend. But we were over now and both went our separate ways. I tried not to think about Elizabeth too much, but naturally, I still found myself deep in thought about our old relationship. 

Since I'd met Y/N, those intrusive memories were subsiding and being replaced with a constant yearning for her. 

When Bartra announced that I would be accompanying him on this trip, I knew I would struggle. From the long car ride to the airport, then the plane ride, I did not even dare to text Y/N. As much as I wanted to remind her that I missed her, I couldn't risk Bartra seeing and questioning my actions. 

My Protector | MeliodasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora