13. Aftercare

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My head throbbed.

My throat ached.

My stomach churned.

Before I could even process that I was awake, I was out of my bed and running for the toilet. As I squatted by the bowl, I held my hair back and lurched forward, emptying the contents of my stomach.

I gasped for air between hurls, my eyes watering, blurring my vision. As I tried to take deep breaths, I flushed the toilet and fell back onto my ass with my hands clutching my hair.

Colour flickered under my closed lids, but it was better than the whole room spinning when they were open.

This is another reason why I didn't drink.

After I had calmed down, I crawled back to my bed and laid there with my eyes closed.

This was going to be a lovely day.


After the maids had brought me breakfast, since I was too sick to move from my bed, I found myself feeling a bit better. I managed to migrate from my bed to my window seat, I had even propped open the window so a breeze was flowing into my room.

I sat in the way of the wind and felt as the gentle rays warmed my skin, my head empty.

Upon noticing my empty mind, I began to think of things.


Last night was in pieces - I was drunk, he took me home, carried me to bed, told me to go to sleep.

Yeah, that's not so bad. I smiled triumphantly and did a little uppercut in the air to celebrate. I had managed to not make a total fool out of myself.

I peeped over my shoulder back into my room to locate my art supplies and caught sight of my heels at the foot of my bed, perfectly aligned.

Memories of Meliodas removing my heels flooded my mind and the gist of what happened after that.


I had begged him to kiss me.

No, no, no.

I could've cried right there and then at the memory of me teary-eyed because he wouldn't kiss me.

Aaaand, that's it. I'm never drinking again. The embarrassment is too much to bear.

A knock sounded from my door and I welcomed whoever it was, my heart fluttering at the sight of Meliodas with a glass of orange liquid.

"Hey," I breathed, wincing as a mild state of nausea washed over me from moving too fast. As I tried to stop the room from spinning, Meliodas stepped into my room and closed the door behind him, a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked, handing me the glass. I thanked him and took a sip. It was Hydralyte.

"I've felt better," I almost whispered before I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry for last night."

I peered up at him nervously but he just offered me a smile.

"Don't be sorry Y/N, I had fun."

"I guess, but, about forcing you to kiss me-"

"You didn't force me. If I didn't want to, I wouldn't have done it."

I looked at the glass of orange liquid, swirling it. I made a mental note to never drink again. Remembering my desire to paint, I leaned to the side to point at the briefcase behind him.

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