21. Shower Thoughts

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I didn't know how long I had stayed there, sitting against the bricks, until the door creaked open beside me and Meliodas appeared. His eyes found me and he smiled gently as he took a seat next to me with a slight groan. I was slow to turn my full attention to him, but I offered him a smile in return. 

"Hey," I whispered, although I wasn't quite sure why. I had calmed down significantly since I busted through that same door almost half an hour ago. If it weren't for the scratchiness in my throat, I wouldn't have thought I was crying earlier. Meliodas's expression was sad in response, but he scootched closer to me and wrapped an arm over my shoulder.

His embrace was warm and he smelled nice. Peppery and minty, but sweet, like pine. I inhaled at its familiarity. 

"How are you feeling?" He murmured as he put his chin on my head. I shut my eyes and tried not to relive the events of tonight. 

"I'm okay, I could really use a shower," I sighed, bending my knees up against my chest. Meliodas slid his arm down my shoulders so he could hold my cold knee closer to him. I knew I was safe with him. 

"Well let's head home, it's getting late," he said as he fished out his phone and checked the time. I peered at it as well and froze at the notification from my father. 

'We will find the two that got away, thank you for your work.'

"What did you do with the guy?" I asked quietly, pulling away from Meliodas slightly. A frown graced my features once I noticed the slight redness of his knuckles. He found my gaze and began rubbing his thumb over the discoloration. 

"I took him outside and he left the bar," he replied slowly, his green eyes landing on my face. I watched them as they flickered over my features. 

"What did my father mean in that text?" I hesitated, pointing to his phone. His eyes shut and he inhaled through his nose. Nerves began to arise in my stomach, and I didn't welcome the feeling as I waited. 

"That group that was sitting by the bar, followed us outside," was all he said, but I wanted more answers. 

"So, what? You fought them?" He didn't give me an answer. I scoffed and stood up, my heels heavy on my feet. I turned and looked down at him. 

"We are supposed to be hiding stuff together Meliodas. You can't hide stuff from me, I deserve to know," I could feel my anger rising, not primarily from him, but just from tonight in general. I get groped by my old attacker, Diane and Merlin don't even come to check on me, and now Meliodas is keeping secrets. 

"Fine, yes, I was in a fight. Two of them got away, including the one who touched you," his face seemed bitter as if he was disappointed in himself. I felt a pang in my chest at the sight before I sighed and moved to stand in front of him. His head tilted up to look at me, his features illuminated by the lamps from the street. 

"Let's go home," I whispered gently, holding my hands out.  

He didn't have a single mark on his face, a fact I was happy about. His hands enveloped mine as he stood up and pulled me flush against his chest. I gasped at the action but didn't resist as his arms circled around me and held me tight against him. 

"I'm sorry, Y/N," he said against my hair, his tone sad. I nodded my head in acceptance, even though he didn't need to apologize. In one swift movement, he had bent down, grabbed the backs of my knees, and lifted me off the ground in a bridal style. 

I sighed as he held me to him and began walking out of the alleyway. 

It felt like deja vu as we snuck into the house and darted up the stairs, using the minimal light from the foyer to guide us. Meliodas let go of my hand once we were outside my door and faced me, his face soft. 

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