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-Azrael's POV-

I'm getting a little worried about Andy and the rest of the guys. It's been a week ever since Joe left the band and Fall Out Boy has called off their tour and we were heading back to California.

"Andy, honey, please eat something." I had a vegan sandwich in my hand and he just layed there in his bunk, his back towards me. His shirts began to look baggy on him because he hasn't been eating anything and he hasn't been drinking his elixirs.

"I'm not hungry." I heard him mumble.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Look Andy," I sat at the edge on the bunk and rubbed his shoulder. "You can't keep going on like this, you haven't eaten or drank anything at all, and I'm starting to get worried." Silence just filled the air.

The guys told me about their supernatural powers and I have to admit dating an immortal can be entertaining and quite a handful as well. Especially if the immortal has the power over the elements, then things can get out of hand fast.

He made no attempt to move, so I patted his shoulder gently and got up. Walking into the back lounge I found Shayna and Pete. Pete was staring blankly out of the window as the cars went by and Shayna was talking to him softly. He hasn't been eating and it's kind of scaring me a little because he looked thinner and there were bags under his eyes, from the lack of blood drinking and the lack of sleep is starting to take its toll on him.

Shayna turned to look at me and she gave me a small, sad smile. Then she turned her attention back to Pete who was still staring out of the window. I stood there for a moment and watched her put her arms around his neck and she was talking softly into the back of his neck.

I exhaled my breath and turned to walk back down the narrow hallway. Then I heard Patrick and Avery's voice coming from outside of the bus. Ever since the day after Joe left, Patrick and Avery were yelling back and forth. I walked through the small front lounge and plopped down on the small couch.

Pulling my headphones out of my pocket, I unraveled them and plugged the cord into my phone. Then I shoved the earbuds in my ears and scrolled though my playlist. Not really sure on which song to listen to first, I decided to press shuffle and Fall Out Boy Uma Thurman played loudly in my ears. I had the music blasting but it wasn't enough to drown out Patrick and Avery's screaming.

-Patrick's POV-

God everyone is just so fucking annoying, why don't they know how to leave good will alone. I was sitting outside because the bus took a quick pit stop at a gas station and our driver had to fill up the tank.

"SERIOUSLY PATRICK WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LET HIM LEAVE?!" Avery screamed in my face, her face was red with anger.


"So if I wanted to leave, you would let me?" She asked, her brown eyes dug into mine.

I didn't stop my mouth from opening and the words from coming out, "Yes I would." I replied and I didn't even recognize my own voice because it was so lifeless and emotionless.

She took a step back, her hand covered her mouth. As tears filled her eyes, my heart started to crack into two and I took a step towards her.

"Avery I'm..."

She held up her hand and I shut my mouth, "Save it Patrick, I got my answer...."

"Avery please I didn't mean that." I put my hand out to grasp her hand but she flinched away from me and stumbled backwards.

"Just......Just.... Please leave me alone." Her voice cracked as she spun around on her heels and she ran back onto the bus.

I stood there, with my hand stretched out, staring at the door of the bus's door. My hand dropped slowly to my side and I moved my foot back to my original position. Leaning my back against the bus, I slowly let my back slide down and I crouched down with my back pressed against the bus.

I ran my hands through my hair, grabbing handfuls of hair into my hands and pulling at them.

"Well there you go Patrick, you lost your best friend, your guitarist and now the love of your life. How do you feel now?" I mumbled to myself as I let go of my hair and rubbed the side of my face.

Our driver called me back onto the bus, and I got up, hung my head and trudged up the steps. I got onto the bus and I heard Avery crying in my bunk, I heard Nova talking softly to her, and I saw Azrael playing on her phone. Her music was blasting and I could hear, clear as day, our song Sugar We're Goin' Down.

I took another glance at Azrael and sighed then I plopped down onto the bench and layed my head on my arms on top of the granite table top.

I felt someone touch my shoulder, I jumped slightly and lifted my head. Azrael was standing next to the bench and she was looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Patrick what happened?" Avery asked, sitting across from me.

"I- I told Avery if she wanted to leave then I wouldn't stop her. Man I'm such a fucking natural disaster, I mean first Joe and now Avery, Azrael I don't know what else to do. I mean Pete and Andy are wasting away and right now, I don't even want to continue the band. Maybe I should just give up now, before it gets anymore worse." I felt a tear run down my face and I quickly whipped it away.

"Don't quite Patrick, you guys have been put up against worse situation than these." I flinched at the memory of Pete trying to kill himself, and then how Andy was deeply depressed, then our hiatus that lasted three years....She was right, we've been face with worse situation than these.

"I don't know what else to do Azzy. The guys don' want anything to do with me and I doubt that Joe would even talk to me. Also I don't know if Avery will talk to me ever again with after what I said." I looked at her, silently pleading for her help.

I watched as her face scrunched slightly as she thought and then she snapped her fingers and her face lit up.

"I got an idea." My chest fluttered with excitement as she explained her idea.

"So what do you think?" She asked.

I felt a small smile creep along my face and I replied, "It's perfect." Then my face fell as I thought what if this plan doesn't work.

"What is it, Patrick?" Azrael asked as she looked at her phone, then her gaze met mine.

"What if this plan doesn't work?"

"It will, trust me." She smiled at me and she got up and walked down to Andy's bunk.

I rested my head up against the cool glass and I watched as we got onto the highway, and we were on our way home.

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