Chapter 51 - "Proof of love..."

Start from the beginning

My logical mind comes with her reasoning.

"But he...he is a father of a son."

My own words sound hilarious to me. My inner God giggles in my mind.

"Really? Father of a of someone! Has a tangled past with you. But you denied all...right? You have moved on and so he should move on too. If there is no baggage for you and for him then how this 'BUT' comes. Let him live his life."

I glare at her. Is she trying to tease me? I try to counter her logic,

"Yes, he can live his life but not with Soha. She is my best friend. I can't let her love the wrong person. Manik can't be the choice for her."

"Why? Because he is the choice for you? You can't see Soha with him or you can't see him with Soha? Now, who is burning with envy?"

My inner God hits me below the belt.

"Shut up...go away..."

I don't know when I yell. The receptionist warns me politely,

"Shhhh...please be quiet. It is a nursing home."

Only then, I realise that I have reached the reception. I roam my eyes all around and try to locate Arya and Maan. Soha said he wants to discuss something important.


Maan's babyish voice pacifies my inner turmoil. I turn back and see Arya holding his little buddy in his lap. A smile curves my lips. I near them and Maan stretches both hands to reach me. I take him from Arya's lap.

"Take care of your stubborn son. He almost made me deaf by his continuous nagging."

Arya fakes his exasperation. I look at my sunshine and ask in an admonishing tone,

"What happened Guppy? Why did you trouble your buddy? I told you to be a good boy..right? Now, tell me what's the issue?"

I shuttle my confused eyes between them. Maan pouts and complains,

"Capthan Amelica.."

He points towards the staircase. Before my reaction, Arya mouths,

"He came here to meet his Captain America only. That's it. I am nobody with whom he wants to spend his time. So, let him meet his hero."

Oh, God! Here is the jealousy too. I giggle out,

"Sometimes I wonder who is the kid? You or Manu? Really Arya? You are being jealous of Manik? And that's for Maan? Ha...ha..."

Aryamaan keeps quiet for a moment and replies in an impassive tone. The jest has now vanished from his voice.

"Do you really think it's just for Buddy?"

His words can't penetrate my understanding. My forehead lines.

"Then for whom?"

Arya keeps staring into my eyes. If he is trying to fathom my soul.

"It's my Birthday, Chudail and you forgot it. Because for the last 96 hours, you are only thinking about Manik, talking about him and caring about him. And after that, you are asking me not to be jealous."

He utters with lots of despair. can I forget his birthday? I curse myself inwardly.

"I..I am so sorry. I don't know how I forgot..actually the office work, Mr Morrone, this accident and more of Manik's...."

I abruptly stop. Shit! I again mentioned his name. Okay, I think now only action can mend the damage. I put down Maan from my lap and near Arya. In the next moment, I hug him tightly.

"Happy Birthday my bestie. Wish you all happiness and blessings. May God fulfil all your wishes. This Chudail loves you to the moon and back and nothing and nobody can come between us. Love you."

I blabber loudly and peck his left cheek with a sucking sound. Right now, I can't think about the surroundings and situation. Maan comes closer and tries to envelop both of our legs in his tiny arms.

"Happy badday Buthy." (Happy birthday Buddy)

His adorable voice makes us look at his tiny frame. Aryamaan bends and lifts him in his lap. Maan pecks his cheek.

"Thank you, Buddy and Buddy's Mom. Okay, you both are pardoned for this cute wish. So, can we celebrate my birthday tonight? At our home?"

He pinpongs his eyes at both of us in demand of approval. Only then, Soha's voice is heard,

"Of course...why not? Your Chudail can't ignore her bestie. So, 8 pm sharp at our home."

She nears us. I shrug and give my nod. With a bright smile, Arya kisses my temple.

Nobody except Soha notices two eyes are watching them from the window of a patient cabin on the first floor of the nursing home. Those eyes have pain, despair and turmoil. It is truly said,

"It really hurts when we realise that we are not as important to someone as we thought we are."

Author's note: Did Manik think that Nandini really has moved on? Will he accept the truth and return to India? Did Nandini really get him out of her heart? Does Aryamaan really love Nandini? To know all these, stay tuned. This book is also very close to ending. 🥺🥺🥺

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