Fred Weasley x Reader

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Title: Apologies
House: Slytherin

You played with a strand of your hair, twirling it around your finger as you watched your crush, Fred Weasley, from across the room. Even though he was a Gryffindor, you could never take your eyes off him, when you were around him he was all you could think about. For the longest time you thought he had charmed you with a love spell, that was until you watched your friend get spiked with one. It wasn't pretty. As a Slytherin, it had been hard to admit your crush to the other girls in your year, at first a lot of them turned their noses up at the thought of it, only to later tell you they thought you'd be a cute couple.

"Ms (L/N)!" The yell pulled you from your daydreaming as you turned to make eye contact with Professor Snape, if looks could kill, you would currently be far more than six feet under. "Pay attention." His stern, drawn-out tone dug into you, forcing you to immediately face the front for the rest of class. It was rare that he would take points from his own house, but you were aware he would if you continued to not listen. For the rest of the class, you tried your hardest not to turn your head to look at the ginger-haired boy. Finally, after what felt like forever, the boring potions class had ended. You were practically thanking god that it wasn't a practical.

Grabbing your stuff, you sauntered out of the classroom. You could practically feel the stares from the boys in your class, it was alright, you liked it that way. Having every boy around your finger had its perks. Fred, however, was always unaffected by your appearance. It dug under your skin, the fact that he was all you wanted, the fact that he didn't notice, the fact that you could have anyone you dreamed of, but it was him. All of it was for him.

Striding through the corridor, you smiled as girls from different houses waved to you, you may have been a popular topic for conversation amongst the boys. The girls practically adored you, they loved the fact that you could manipulate the boys in such a way. "Hey (Y/N)!" A familiar sing-song voice called from behind you, turning on your heel, you came face to face with Pansy. A wide grin spread across your face, pulling her into a tight hug, "Pansy!" You held her close practically smothering her. She followed suit, practically crushing you in her arms.

You had been friends with Pansy since childhood, due to your family being purebloods. She let out a squeal of excitement before letting go of you, linking arms as the two of you started walking to your next class together. The entire way she was gossiping about Draco Malfoy, a boy she clearly had a crush on the entire time she had known him. You could remember the first time she saw him, the way her cheeks flushed, she was fully in love with the poor platinum-haired boy. After she had finished gossiping about her crush, she got onto the topic of who had tried to ask you out or hook up with you in the past week. It wasn't a rare conversation topic, you were very much wanted, though, you were always a bit sad you couldn't talk about your crush on Fred to her. She wouldn't understand, he was a blood traitor in her eyes.

Walking into the loud Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom, it hushed slightly as heads turned to look at you. Boys drooled as they stared as if they had never seen skin before. Sadly you had to say goodbye to Pansy in the hallway, as she was two years below you, it sucked that she wasn't older sometimes. Swaying your hips, you made your way over to your seat next to Fred Weasley. Out of all your seating placements in classes, this was your favourite, it meant the twin would sometimes help you if you were stuck on a spell.

Smiling at the redhead, you winked, receiving an awkward half-smile from the boy as he looked away. 'Look at me, damn it' you whined mentally, wanting even an ounce of attention from him. He was probably the only person you would chase to the ends of the earth, that you didn't want to hex, at least. Halfway through the class, you purposefully dropped your quill, as you were about to stand you noticed him quickly whip out his wand, "Accio Quill" he murmured. You blinked as he placed the utensil next to you, a small feeling filled your stomach, like a void that was slowly eating at your insides.

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