Pansy Parkinson x Reader

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Title: Cigarette Breaks

House: Slytherin

You were sitting on a wooden bench next to your best friend, Pansy, both of you holding a lit cigarette in one of your hands. Occasionally taking a drag of the toxic smoke, letting it cascade down to your lungs before exhaling it in a puff of grey. You were obsessed with the way it looked, fascinated by its curves. More specifically, you were obsessed with the way Pansy looked with a cigarette in hand. How her face would be ever so slightly covered by the grey smoke flowing in the air before her, the way she would pull two from the pack, leaning forward to light yours for you as your heart pounded.

It was no secret that you had a crush on the fellow Slytherin, most of the house had managed to keep it a secret from her, however. For the sake of your own peace of mind. You already knew she didn't like you back, if she kissed you at parties, it was normally because she was just drunk. You would always make sure she was alright after, and she would never remember the night it happened.

You continued to watch the brunette girl, a soft smile on your face as you listened to her talk about boys. She knew you liked girls, but that to her meant you just wouldn't steal her boyfriends. Every so often she would obsessively speak about Draco Malfoy, to the point of where you'd realised he was probably her crush. This was pretty normal, however, your smoke breaks with her always consisting of mostly the same things since fifth year. You were falling for her even harder, her talking about her current fling or crush, and bitching about other girls in the school together.

"So then I told him-" she stopped herself batting her eyes at you, "(N/N) are you even listening to me? your cigarette is going out" her posh accent accentuating her words. You smiled slightly wider looking away, off into the distance, "Yeah! I am" you responded as you took a long drag. "Okay, good!" you heard the frustration in her voice, she was obviously talking about Draco again, and he had definitely done something. 'Why couldn't she get this flustered over me?' you thought, glancing back at her to catch a glimpse of her beautiful brown eyes, making your heart flutter as you made accidental eye contact. Her ranting only ended when you thought you saw a teacher coming over, both of you stubbing your fourth or fifth cigarette out, rushing out of there as fast as you could.

Of course, you still came back every day to do the same thing again, over and over again. You never got bored of her pretty voice, even if she spoke such foul words at times, she could never not be stunning to you. You could remember when you first met, you were in second year and had seen her around every so often. Due to your family connections, she had approached you with hopes of a friendship so she would have someone to talk with at family gatherings. Little did she know she would talk to you on a daily basis.

You remember the mischief that her brown eyes held, the small smirk on her chubby cheeks and her bob length hair. The perfectly filed down nails on her hand that she outstretched, her light grip as her smirk turned into a small joyful smile. You remembered your first cigarette with her, both trying to find the perfect spot to hide and share it. You had decided on hiding in the astronomy tower, it was late, so you both didn't worry too much about other students tattling on you.

Putting away your potions books into your bag, you felt a small tug on your arm. Looking up from your task, you saw Pansy in front of you, a mischievous glint in her eye as she signalled for you to come with her. You obliged immediately, following her to your regular smoke spot. Sitting down next to her on the grass, you watched as she pulled out the box of cigarettes you'd been using for the week. Pulling out the last two from the box, she gave you a cheeky smile, "Lucky cigs for lucky girls" she joked as she passed yours over. Placing it between your lips, you waited patiently as you watched her go through her pockets to find her lighter.

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