Severus Snape X Reader

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Title: Lust

House: Slytherin

There are sexual themes in this as well as teacher x student, if that makes you uncomfortable please skip this chapter or stop reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.

'Blegh' you fake gagged at the sight in front of you, you had promised to come to the Yule ball with some desperate Gryffindor who had been asking every girl he saw and in all honesty, you regretted the decision. The two of you hadn't spoken since the first dance of the night where he complimented your (F/C) while his eyes glided across the great hall to land on a Hufflepuff you couldn't recall the name of. Truthfully you hated formal events, you had planned to stay in your dorm room reading a book on potion-making, your favourite class. Admittedly you did have a small crush on Snape, however, you had given up on it after your third year for one reason; you knew it was wrong. It wasn't like he would like you in any way other than his student anyways, he didn't even notice your existence in the darkroom.

After a while of watching students slowly fall for one another in the atmosphere, too much kissing and a lot of dancing you decided to leave. Standing from your seat you made your way out of the suffocating hall, making sure to be careful not to accidentally bump into anyone on the way out in fear of getting punch or worse beverages spilt on your dress. Walking through the abandoned corridors you could still quietly hear the music from the great hall. You made your way to the Slytherin common room, enjoying the music slowly fading out to the point where all your could hear were your footsteps echoing in the empty space. Your mind drifting to different places, different songs that could be playing as if you were in a music video, bookings you could be reading, people you could be with. Suddenly you thought of a pair of ebony eyes you knew too well, the idea of his pale hand caressing your cheek as he stared into your soul. His leg between your thighs and you against the wall.

Shaking the thought from your head you felt your cheeks heat up, picking up the pace you sped down to your dorm room and jumped onto your bed before burying your face into your silver pillow. Screaming softly into it out of frustration before rolling out of the house colour themed bed to look at yourself in the mirror placed next to it, not recognising the (S/C) girl staring back at you. You didn't recognise the person you'd become, it wasn't like you had changed much it was just that you had made choices you didn't know you would. Like accepting the Gryffindor's invitation to the ball, you would have never done that two years ago. You believed you were being kind, but you were slowly withering away. You didn't find yourself smiling much anymore, unless you were enjoying a book or you were in potions, you knew it probably wasn't normal to feel the way you did. It hurt, not knowing what was wrong but knowing perfectly well what was. Your parents would never allow the world to know, let alone let you express who you really were.

It had been a few weeks since the yule ball, the days had rolled by one after the other as they always did. Only one thing had changed, your interest in the black-haired potions teacher had somehow managed to rekindle. His tone of voice, his sleek hair, his pitch-black eyes drew you deeper into your borderline obsessive yet seemingly intrusive thoughts. Some of them you deemed to be wholesome, almost romantic while the others were well... extreme. On occasion, you would dream of the professor, as if he was your boyfriend even though you knew that could never happen. Both of you under a blanket, talking at ungodly hours about who knows what.

During this time you had made attempts to talk to Snape outside of class, finding any excuse possible to get some time to yourself with him. Once you asked him if you could stay behind class to discuss a specific potion, you had no intention of ever brewing. However your attempts were all futile, that is until today. You were planning to get yourself into detention, no matter the cost which to be fair was most likely scrubbing the disgusting cauldrons.

Quickly snatching up your books you checked the time to assure yourself that you were most definitely late for potions, unlike usual where you were fifteen minutes early this time you were at very least half an hour late to the double potions you had. A smile planted its way onto your face as you bounced your way to the potions classroom without a care in the world, opening the door without knocking and taking your seat at the front of the class. Students around you were whispering as Snape's sharp glare bore into you, "(L/N) I hope you know how late you are. I do not care for any excu-" "I have no excuse" you rudely interrupted, the potions teacher glowered at you before slamming his hands on his desk "Miss (L/N) I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in my class! 5 points from Slytherin and detention." he snarled, pretending to act upset you dropped your smile and looked down nodding solemnly. Although inside your mind you were exhilarated, congratulating yourself on your own personal victory.

The giggles, glares and stares from your classmates didn't matter, you were going to get the attention you wanted from your romantic interest. As class came to a close you watched your classmates leave one by one, some in twos talking about what they were going to do for the rest of the night while you sat in the same slightly uncomfortable seat you'd grown to love. You felt your heart beating out of your chest as the two of you were left alone in the dim potions room, awaiting his next words no matter what they might be. "(L/N)... I hope you know what you did today was unacceptable," he spoke slowly as he always did, awaiting a response from you as he stared into your (E/C) eyes. "Yes sir, I know. I won't let it happen again" you replied a small smirk on your lips, he raised a brow at your expression before taking a couple of long strides over to you. Most likely it was an attempt to intimidate you however it just made you crave him more.

Thoughts snuck into your mind once more, his slightly chapped cold lips grazing yours lightly as he ran a hand through your (H/C) hair before moving to leave a trail of soft kisses from your jaw to your neck, all the way down to your lower stomach. Looking up at you with his eyes that you felt you knew far too well, his hand moving to your neck choking you roughly as he undid the button of your jeans.


"ow," you whined rubbing the back of your head as you looked up at Snape once more "Do not 'zone out' while I'm talking to you if you must burden me then tell me about what you were thinking of" your face went red at your teachers' words, he could never know about your feelings for him. "Of course, I could always force it out of you..." he murmured in curiosity, he could tell you weren't going to spill your guts to him. Suddenly he pulled out his wand, muttering a spell under his breath you felt your mind unravel with all your secrets about your love for him. Every memory, every thought you had about anything was revealed to him at that moment. Trying as hard as you could you forced him out of your mind, falling onto the floor your face red as you breathed heavily in panic.

Darting your eyes to look at the black-haired man you saw a stone-cold expression, feeling your heart in your throat you swallowed it before getting up to sprint out of the room only to have the door of the classroom locked. Snape's footsteps coming closer to your frame by the second, abruptly turning around you found yourself nose to nose with the teacher. Letting out a shaky breath you felt as if you were going to faint as his hand carefully held your cheek as if it was fragile glass, "Just this once" he murmured before planting his cold lips on yours. Sinking into the kiss you felt your arms wrap around his neck, tangling your hands in his hair as you felt him grab your waist with his other strong hand.

Pulling himself away from you he stared into your eyes "this changes nothing (L/N)... you are only my student" his voice clear, your heart aching at the idea of not being his or not even going further than this. As you had assumed he unlocked the door with the alohomora charm, pulling yourself together you ran out of the classroom with tears in your eyes.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)... you can never know how I truly feel..." Snape sighed before closing the potion room door.

I'm sorry this was more of a sad one, I felt too uncomfortable writing a full smut so please enjoy the small amounts of sexual content in this story


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