Sirius Black x Reader

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Title: Cheater

House: None, however you were in Hufflepuff

Sirius Black, a name you hadn't heard in years. A name that struck slight sadness into your heart at the idea of encountering seeing him once more. You hadn't seen him since you saw his photo in the daily prophet when he'd gone to Azkaban, the last time you'd seen him in person was when the two of you were young and dumb. Now, there was a possibility that you could run into him on the street. Possibly even the chance he could kill you at the same time.

You had been a teaching assistant in Remus Lupin's Defence Against The Dark Arts classes, he had gotten in touch with you to give you the opportunity to help in the class or to teach when he wasn't able to. The two of you were in the same year at Hogwarts when you were younger, though in different houses you had found common ground on reading, your friendship ended up growing during a few library reading sessions together. He was the one who introduced you to Sirius, one of his best friends who he first mentioned by the name of Padfoot. Strangely enough, the two of you hit it off extremely well, though he first mostly used you for help with homework he ended up inviting you to hang out with James, Sirius, Remus, Himself and of course Peter. Though the time you spent together alone was far more precious to the both of you, by the end of your sixth year you had ended up in a relationship with the idiot. It was short-lived, you lasted a year with him before you caught him cheating on you when you were going to surprise him on valentines day with a trip to the astronomy tower.

Looking over at Remus you sighed, the full moon was tonight you could easily tell he wasn't taking it too well. Severus was taking far too long making his potion, it was putting the both of you on edge. The idea of him being in his wolf state without something to keep him sane during it was horrifying, you had never witnessed him turning as you didn't join the boys with becoming an animagus. Though you assumed it was one of the most terrifying things someone could possibly go through. Remus glanced up at you giving you a small nervous smile, "Don't worry (Y/N) I'll be fine, Snape will make the potion in time don't worry" he comforted, though you don't think he believed what he was saying at all. Giving him a short nod you returned to the book you were reading on magical creatures, they were all so different and interesting.

"I'm going to go on a short walk" Remus stated, glancing up once again from your book you smiled "Okay Moony don't take too long" you responded as you watched your friend walk out of the class. Continuing to read you couldn't get the thought of running into Sirius again out of your head. 'What would I do? What would I say? Would I give him to the death eaters? What if he....' shaking your head at the idea you could ever be with him again you groaned, leaning back on your chair you stared at the ceiling. "Why can't that crazed maniac just stay the fuck out of my head" you whined, placing down your book grabbing your bookmark Remus suddenly burst in causing you to slam the book shut and lose your place again. He seemed out of breath as he looked at you, fear glistening in his eyes as he ran over with a map you knew far too well. "Remus is that-" "The marauders' map. Yes. But something- no someone on it is why I'm worried right now" he answered before you could finish the question, rushing over to you he opened the map pressing his wand to it. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" was a phrase you hadn't heard since you were all friends in Hogwarts, a wave of emotions ran through you at the memories that hit you from hearing the words. Christmases, birthdays, pranks, all the trouble the boys had gotten you into.

His eyes scanned the map as you took a hit of nostalgia before he pointed out something that made your heart drop. "Peter..." you whispered in shock, looking at Remus who was looking at you with concern. "This changes... so many things..." you rested your elbows on the table holding your head in your hands, trying to process what you had just seen. 'Sirius is innocent... It was Peter... it was Wormtail the entire time... he's alive...' you thought as tears clouded your vision, finding yourself crying from a mixture of stress, panic and confusion. Moony pulled you towards him, holding you in a hug as he comforted you. He must've known how much of a shock finding out that Peter was alive would have been to you.

You noticed Remus' breath hitch, turning slightly you wiped your eyes to look once more at the map. Following his sight you gasped seeing a name you weren't fully sure you had actually seen "Sirius..." he muttered looking down at you, looking back up at him you teared up once more. It had been years since that day but it still stuck with you, the fear of being hurt like that had led you to stay away from relationships. Something in you wanted to see him again, to ask why he did it, finally learn what happened on that day. "I'm going to my chambers" you murmured, moving away from Remus you grabbed your book before exiting the D.A.D.A class. Truthfully you were going to look for him, 'maybe he's in his animagus form' you thought as you made your way to where you had seen him on the map, the dark forest. It had always scared a lot of people, but you always found some type of beauty in the woodland.

As you made your way down to the dark grounds you used Lumos to illuminate the area around you, hoping to even get a glimpse of a black dog or shaggy black hair. Walking through the forest for what seemed like hours on end you had believed to have found yourself lost, a snap echoed from behind you. Turning around as fast as lightning you came eye to eye with an animagus you hadn't seen in years, falling to your knees you watched as Sirius came closer to you. He looked around as if trying to see if there were any dementors before quickly transforming into his human form; crouching down to meet eyes with you he ran a hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair, looking at you as if he was staring through your soul. "(Y/N)?..." he whispered before pulling you into a tight hug, you held onto him tightly crying softly into his shoulder. So many emotions were coursing through you, you wanted to scream at the top of your lungs but also forgive him at the same time. He pulled away from the hug holding your face in his calloused hands, trying to not hold eye contact you looked down at his tattered outfit. His Azkaban uniform was covered with what seemed to be a raggedy cardigan, "Please let me explain" the words caught your attention like the first roar of thunder in a storm.

He had explained everything in detail, answering any question you threw at him. Currently, you were playing with his hair, trying to detangle his matted locks with your fingers much to his displeasure, occasionally groaning if you hit a bad knot. "So..." you murmured softly "Another question?" he responded quietly looking into your (E/C) eyes, giving him a light nod you continued; "On valentines day-" he perked up immediately grasping your shoulders, "(Y/N) I think about that day every single time I close my eyes, I'm so sorry that happened however you need to know something. I never kissed her, she kissed me and you happened to walk in at the wrong time. I have never stopped loving you, I see you in my dreams, I thought about you every single day that I was in Azkaban. Please even if I go back, please tell me you feel the same way, I need to know that it wasn't all for nothing I need to-" you swiftly cut him off with a passionate kiss, your hands wrapping around his neck while you felt him melt gently into the kiss, placing his hands on your waist. Pulling away you looked at him with tears in your eyes, "I should've believed you" you sighed softly "It's okay (n/n), don't worry I'm here now" he smiled gently placing his head against yours, "I'm not going anywhere" he spoke his voice barely a whisper. Kissing his cheek you pulled him into a tight loving hug, something you had needed from him for a long time.

Hahaha he go back to Azkaban after this remember! don't worry if your upset at the fact of knowing that then please think that once he escapes again (?or is released i don't fully remember) they love each other until they tragically die at the same time. Anyways thank you for reading this one, i hope you enjoyed it.


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