What it's like being in school with Y/n 2

Start from the beginning

"Y/n, be careful."

"I don't care, I need help." Y/n whispered to her,

"What is it?" Deena asked worriedly,

"What's the answer for number 4?" Y/n asked.

"Y/n, turn around please. This is a test." The teacher said.

"I'm phoning a friend." Y/n stated. The teacher looked up at her confused as the class started to laugh, Deena included. Y/n fixed her chair and turned to the teacher,

"What?" The teacher chuckled out,

"In game shows, your allowed 4 things to help... so, I pick phone a friend and I choose Deena." Y/n explained to the teacher who just laughed.

"Tests aren't a game show."

"But they could be, now shhh. I only have 35 minutes left." Y/n stated and turned back to Deena, "Deena, what's number 4?" She asked innocently not knowing that what she had just said what wrong. Deena chuckled,

"28, love." Deena told her and Y/n smiled.

"Thank you." She hummed out and turned around and wrote down 28.


(Sam x Reader)

Y/n walked over to Sam's desk with a smile tugging on her lips, everyone wasn't talking, even the teacher stopped talking to see what Y/n was doing,

"Yes?" Sam chuckled out.

"I need a pencil."

"I gave you one before class though, love." Sam whispered to her.

"I know but I chucked it." 


"Somewhere in the heater. I can't find it anymore." Y/n mumbled out fiddling with her fingers, looking upset. "I'm sorry."

"I know, here." Sam chuckled out handing her a pencil again. Y/n grinned.

"My favourite." She hummed out and walked back to her seat, she saw most guys staring at her. "What're you looking at Jonathan? Yeah, exactly turn the fuck around before you get a boner over Jessica. Again." She spat at him,

"Uhm, excuse me! We don't say that in classrooms!" The teacher said telling Y/n off.

"But he was giving me the judgement stare." She said hitting her hand on the table and the pencil flew out of the window that was behind her. "MY PENCIL!" She cried out getting up and managing to fit through the window,

"Oh my— Miss, I'll get her. I'm sorry!" Sam apologised shooting up as she rushed over to the window, "Y/n, love, come here." Sam said to her as she was leaning over a counter, the perv's of the class staring at her ass while everyone was more focused on what Y/n was doing and laughing as it was quite funny how much she cared for a pencil. Y/n stood up, holding the pencil smiling.

"I got it." She smiled out which made Sam chuckle.

"Love, you need to stop acting like this. Okay?" Sam told her,

"Wha—? I'm not acting like anything!" She said throwing a temper tantrum and crossing her arms, staring her down which made Sam chuckle.

"Look how your standing and talk to me again." Sam grinned out, Y/n looked at how she was standing and sighed, she jumped on a log and started balancing; glancing at Sam here and there.

"I'm not a little kid anymore! I'm not acting like one." Y/n complained. Sam cupped her face making her look at her,

"We'll talk later, now in." Sam told her which Y/n huffed at, she crawled back in and showed everyone the pencil, "I got it." She grinned out and saw Jonathan staring at Sam's ass. She slammed her pencil on the table and grabbed his ear out of the seat and opened the door pushing him against the wall. She kicked him in the balls and he groaned and fell to the floor, Y/n tackled him to the ground and started to make her attack on him. "Don't. Stare. At. My. Girlfriend's. Ass." She groaned out between each hit, she stood up after two teachers stopped her, she peaked her head in the class. "Next time I catch someone staring at my girlfriend's ass. That happens." She spat, "And you better fucking watch out Findley, Michael, Joshua and Ben, I'm out for you next! I saw you." She spat at them before getting pulled away, she held onto the door frame as her legs got pulled up. "AH—" She squealed out causing everyone to laugh as her body was being dragged against the floor. "Well... this is a rude way to teach a student, wow." She scoffed out. "Fuckin' hell." She sighed out.


A/N: Hope y'all enjoyed this one! LMK if you have any suggestions!

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