Problematic Class 1-b

Start from the beginning

A few of them noticed the scattered materials. A robot, a mannequin and bag of sand. The students were both confused and intrigued about why the objects were placed the way they were.

"Hello class, to the observant few of you. You already may have seen the objects behind me scattered around. These are your training materials and please, try not to destroy them. Today you will train your quirks with the provided materials. Doing whatever you can to practice with your quirks and I will come around and offer some tips. Now any questions?" Izuku asks. Immediately he heard Togaru growl and step forward with an angered look. Izuku face dropped into annoyance as he tried desperately nit to groan.

"No comment, what the fuck? We're supposed to be battling each other, learn hero tricks and tactics. Wear our fricken hero costume? Not dawdle around with our quirks!" Togaru yelled furiously. Izuku sighed as he glared at the praying mantis looking boy.

"You are not dawdling. The difference in your skill in using your quirks compared to heroes are drastic and you'll inevitably get far better control and understanding of your quirk. I can't have untrained teenagers using deadly un-built weapons to harm each other. Once I see you able t use your quirk with enough control I'll allow you to do some more exciting heroic action," Izuku answered calmly. This answer did not seem to satisfy Togaru as he still angrily marched forward and pointed at Izuku.

"See this is why actual heroes should teach this. Not Juvenile delinquents who probably threatened to get there place here!" the boy sneered. Himiko took a step forward but Izuku gripped the back of her shirt to make sure she wouldn't do anything drastic.

"Those are big words for someone acting like a child," Izuku deadpanned. Togaru's scowl deepened. "The principle of this school is the smartest being in the world so whatever he says is probably correct. He offered me this job and trusted me with it because he knew I could do it well. But since little old you thinks you know better I will make a one time exception. You may spar with someone else but if any of you cause an injury that will make me send you to the infirmary, you will be immediately expelled. Understood?" Izuku said. 

Togaru's eyes as well as the class widened at Izuku's statement. Izuku smirks at them and then he outstretches his arms to the class.

"Any takers?" Izuku said. Togaru growled when nobody went up.

"Oh come on," he growled. With a sigh, Hiryu Rin stood forward with a hand raised. Izuku nodded his head at the boy, but didn't miss the tiny glare of his narrowed eyes at him.

"Alright, Kamakiri and Rin, go to the end of the training ground and spar away from everyone. Now the rest of you, find a place to train with the materials," Izuku stated. The two boys quickly walked past them, sending glares toward Izuku and Himiko. But both backed off when Himiko turned and hissed at them. The rest of the class didn't move immediately but as soon as Itsuka did, everyone followed suit. She was like the non-elected leader of the class as Izuku noticed that many of her classmates already follow her and listen to her. 

So that is why Izuku went to her first. She was quite close so he didn't have to go far. He saw that she was picking up the robot with her quirk while karate chopping the ground and creating a small crater from her enlarged hand. She looked up and saw Himiko and Izuku walking over to her. She smiled and stood up properly. 

"Hello Sensei Hope and Carmilla? Can I help you?" she asks. Izuku smiles at her politeness and shakes his head. 

"No, actually more to help you. Just see how to use your quirk and all," Izuku responded. Itsuka smiled at the two. She put down the robot and raised her enlarged hands and started waving them around.

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