He lowered his gaze and sighed. 'Why did you accept?' he asked as I sat back on the couch. 'You know very well that there wasn't any choice,' I sighed as he knelt beside me. 'Still, you could have refused,' he said. 

'You would have done the same if you were in my place,' I cupped his face. 'I am sorry,' he held my hand and pressed them. 'Jeeva, there was no choice for us. And it's not your mistake,' I assured him. 'I am ok with it,' I kissed his forehead. 

'You're not happy,' he looked at me. 'Someone cannot be happy always in life, Jeeva. But always acceptance matters. I have accepted it. So it hasn't made an impact on my feelings. Underneath I am still happy,' I smiled at him. He hugged me tightly. 'I am sorry that I couldn't do anything about it,' he said as we parted away. 'It's ok,' I caressed his face as he sat beside me.

Jeeva's POV:

'I have a surprise for you,' she tried to cheer me up. 'What?' I asked her. 'Wait,' she walked to the kitchen. 'Guess what?' she came back with a bowl. 'Rasgulla?' I guessed. 'Nope,' she smiled. 'Is it ice cream?' I said. 'How did you find out?' she walked to me. 'Let me guess, butterscotch it is,' I winked. 

'Definitely not. It is chocolate,' she sat beside me. 'For a change, it's your favorite, chocolate,' she fed me a spoon. 'But my favorite has changed. It is butterscotch now,' I smirked. Her cheeks turned red. 'I have only chocolate now. So stop thinking any further and eat it,' she gave the bowl to me and tried to walk away. 

I caught her hand and pulled her towards me. I made her sit over my lap and pulled her closer. 'Only if it was that easy,' I ran my fingers over her cheekbone. She smiled as she closed her eyes feeling my touch. 'It never was,' she whispered. 'Then why running away?' I asked as I traced her lips with my thumb. 

'I cannot run away from you,' she looked at me holding my cheek. I leaned closer and pressed my lips against hers. With every passing second, we both were losing ourselves to the devouring fire. It felt never-ending. I parted away slowly as she rested her temple over mine. 

'The ice cream's melting. You don't want to waste it,' she whispered. 'It's worth a waste,' I winked. She sat beside me with a smile. My phone rang. It was Arya. 'Give the phone to her,' he said as soon as I answered the call. He was reluctant over Adithi accepting Athai's condition. But that's the only way. 

'Won't you do the same for us, Arya? If you do what you tell for us, I bet I will change my mind,' she replied. He ended the call abruptly. 'Even though she doesn't consider me as her family, she takes the place of my mother in terms of relation. I had to accept,' she looked at me. 

'It shows you're big heart,' I kissed her forehead. 'No. This is basic humanity,' she smiled. 'I am lucky,' I gazed at her. 'I am even more,' she smiled handing over the melted ice cream.


Adithi's POV:

'Jeeva,' I walked to him. He turned to me with a blank face. 'Is everything alright?' I asked trying to hold his face. He stepped back, stopping me. 'Don't touch me,' he warned. 'What happened?' I asked him. 'I am so done with you,' he looked at me angrily. I felt like my chest tightened. I couldn't breathe. 

'Just tell me. What happened?' I managed to ask. 'You cheated on me. You should have told me about your romantic relationship with Sanjay,' he yelled. 'But Jeeva it's over. He is dead. And I tried to tell you. But,' I tried to explain. 'But what? You should have told me. You're disgusting,' he yelled. 

'You're not the girl I loved. You don't deserve me,' he yelled again. Tears welled up my eyes. 'I hate you,' he said pushing me away. 'No,' I uttered as tears wetted my cheeks. 'No,' I woke up startled. 'It's just a nightmare,' I tried to calm myself. 

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