-10- [M]

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taehyung pov


I parked my car in a further corner moving forward from the high school. away from the busy places. a bit of anger and discomfort visible in my face. my hands reaching down on my buldge that poked out of my tight pants.

anger ? because my kookie wanted to leave school with his shirt looking like that. heck ! I would let anyone see what I saw. he is a kid I know! I tell myself that everyday.

but I can't stop myself from looking at him that way. I haven't done anything to him reminding my self that his still a innocent baby. his so small and fragile but it's gets hard for me. I want to move further as much as I can.

even if I know he'll be mine in the end .

"dang he smelled like a bottle of strawberry jam today" I muttered to myself almost moaning at the memory of the scent.

I unzipped my pants in a steady motion. my fingers grazing on my length as I pulled them out as i shifted my boxers down. it's not my fault-

he did this..

"his waist was so slim..even better than I imagined"

I groaned. I dint even know how I control myself from jumping over him. just looking at his innocent bambi eyes fuckin turns me on. it's hard not to pounce at him.

"kookie~" I shamlessly moaned his name as I stroked my hard length up and down.

It was wrong.

really wrong.

but then again. I haven't done much right things in my life.

sometimes I feel like to have him for all myself. away from the world. just me and him. I would love and cherish him all day nonstop. well I can do that any day I want.

his so cute when he blushes or gets shy. the way his breath hitch when I touch him. because I can't keep my hands to myself when I see him.

there was a hard-core groan of my own that filled my car as I continued to stroke my length moaning his name. thinking about his cute face. thinking that I was inside him. feeling every inche of him....

I slowly unlocked my phone from my free hand. opening the message box. I had his pictures that he sent to me. even if he doesn't know that it's me.

yup- v is me.

I had my reasons to do that. he is so quiet and shy. he would never open up to my cold personality. and texting him as a stranger guy to him seemed the best option to me.

I finally cummed on my hands almost screaming out of pleasure staring at kooks cute picture. the sticky substance ruining my pants and parts of my seat. but I dint mind that much.

maybe I'll ask for a video next time.

end of flashback

no one pov

"kookie~ why aren't you sleeping yet. are you hungry ?" jimin asked as he lightly caressed the youngers hair who was busy on his phone. kook shifted his gaze from the phone to his hyung. "does my bunny need something to eat?" jimin asked playfully.

jungkook shyly shook his head. "i-I'm not hungry..we had the d-dinner a while ago" kook stuttered but jimin found him adorable. "how I wish I could see you every morning" jimin said as he snuggled on the cute boys neck snatching his phone away and keeping it aside.

kook lightly giggled at the tickle like feeling. "same" kook quietly whispered. "want hyung to cuddle you?" jimin asked scrunching his nose ruffling the youngers hair who cutely noded.

jimin cooed at him quickly jumping on the youngers bed pulling him closer.

jimin caressed the youngers hair pulling him closer "so how was your day? I dint ask much before did i ? did taehyung drop you safely?" jimin asked too many question and kook giggled at that shaking his head.

"it was fine..yes that h-hyung droped me safely" the younger said. not mentioning anything else about taehyung. because he felt shy and scared whenever he talked about tae.
jimin hummed softly.

the younger looked into jimin's sharp hooded eyes with his innocent doe once. jimin felt his heart beat fasten at that "um what ya looking ? sleep sleep !" jimin lightly scolded the younger for not closing his eyes yet.

kook noded closing his eyes tightly shut. a light smile forming on jimins lips.

both cuddled the night on their bed. but jimin got up as he saw the younger had completely slept. he walked to his own bed later after planting a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead.

hi ! long time no see ghost readers! 💀


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