I lift my head and look at her. "How do you know."

She shrugs. "Intuition," she taps her temples. "My intuition is telling me you need to go to the party-"

"Yup, mhm, you lost me there," I say. "You have a shit intuition."

"Such a Debby downer."

"Rather be that than go to some shit of a frat party."


I lean my head against the shower tiles. Slowly turning around I reach toward the handle of the shower knob and turn it off. The water coming to a sudden stop.

The muggy yet cold air clings to my body as I step out of the shower, wrapping the towel around my body. I grab another and wrap my hair up in it.

Using a hand towel to wipe the mirror, I see myself, I- look- tired.

Fuck me.

The contrast of hot to cold hits me like a brick. My room is ice cold, I walk into my closet and grab my PJs. And quickly put them on to warm myself.

I throw my towel onto the floor of my bathroom. And walk over to my vanity and dry my hair.

Finally some peace and quiet— silence. Turning off my dryer, I turn off the vanity lights and brighten the lamp on my nightstand.

I get beneath the covers and grab my book. My back is flush against the pillow, and relief floods me, I don't know why I'm feeling so tense today.

"Oh shit..." I mutter to myself as I reach over and grab my airpods. Putting them on, I turn on some music. I can't sit in complete silence if I'm reading.

My fingers flip open the book, feeling the pages, I only get to my bookmark when my door slowly opens.

There stands my dad. He immediately begins to walk around my room, making his way toward the window, arms behind his back as he stares out into the night sky.

Pulling one airpod out I drop my hand to my side and watch him.

"Is there something you need?" I speak up, keeping my eyes in front of me. Slightly annoyed that he just walks in here to stare out the window.

"No," he says, eyes still looking outside. "Just looking."

This goes on for five minutes. All he does is stand there, use his fingers to open my curtain, and just stare outside.

Another five minutes pass and I've had enough.

"Is there really nothing you don't need?" I ask again. "You've been in here for ten minutes looking out my window at the view that you can get from your bedroom."

He snaps his head toward me. "Why do you have so much attitude in your tone?"

"I don't I simply just asked, you're the one who is giving me attitude now." Grabbing my bookmark again, I slide it in between the page, no longer wanting to read. "I'm going to bed now," I say placing my book on my nightstand and turning over to look at him before turning the light off.

He scoffs and leaves. And that's when I turn the light off. Throwing myself back against the bed, I fully covered myself underneath the blanket. Sighing as I immediately close my eyes.

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