Chapter 1️⃣3️⃣

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(RM's POV)

My rambling had stopped long ago and I was unintentionally reading Jin's mind. He wasn't looking at me, so reading his mind through his eyes directly was out of the question. Even though it was unintentional, I was glad that I read his mind because his thoughts, although confusing, gave me a vague hint regarding what was going on between Jin and Taehyung. They were hiding Taehyung's past and Jin was, to put it simply, jealous of him.

I tried to look surprised when Jin groaned in pain while clutching his head, “You okay?” This is what happens when you try to do this mind-reading business indirectly. My head hurts too, but I guess the pain isn't as intense as his.

“Yeah...just give me a min- woah I feel like vomiting...aghh!”

“What's wrong with him?”

Oh god! This voice... I looked behind and as I had guessed, Yoongi was coming towards us, with Hoseok following closely behind him.

“What's wrong with him?” Yoongi asked again when he was standing right in front of me. I hate to admit it but at that moment he looked as scary as Taehyung.

“Well...” I began saying but was interrupted by Jin who barely managed to utter that he's fine.

“You sure?” Hoseok asked him in a gentle voice.

“Oh I hope he is, otherwise someone's getting in trouble.” Yoongi calmly said.

Great! Wonderful!

“I'm fine, Yoongi” this time, Jin's reply was more composed.

“I think we should leave," Hoseok suggested, earning a vigorous nod from Yoongi. And before either Jin or I could say anything, Yoongi grabbed Jin's hand and started walking away. Hoseok looked at me apologetically before, he too, left with them.

The bell rang soon after that, signalling the end of lunch break and I dragged my body towards our classroom. The headache that started out small was proving to be more damaging. Naturally, I couldn't focus on what the teachers were saying for the rest of the day. Not that it mattered though, I had finished the chapters on my own long ago. The surprising part was that both Jin and Taehyung were absent.

Hesitantly, I decided to ask both Yoongi and Jimin where their best friends were. Unfortunately, before I could ask, the English teacher, who had the last class, called out my name and I could only watch helplessly as both of them left.

“Namjoon, dear, could you please look after the detained students today? Mr Cha had to leave early.” Miss Yoon said.

Great! “No problem, ma'am.” I gave her a small smile.

So, after I was done packing my school bag, I headed straight towards the detention room.

“Namjoon hyung!” the familiar voice caught my attention as soon as I entered the room and there he was, sitting at the very end.

“Hey Jungkook.” it was only then that I noticed he was the only one in the room, “You alone here?”

“Yeah...” he sounded embarrassed as he replied.

“That's great! We can chat all we want.” we talked for a while and I learnt quite a few details about him. Other than the two things that I already knew, I also learnt that he liked Iron Man, banana milk, sports. He sings very nice too. I made sure to make a mental note on these, in case they were of help later.

“You want to see some of my drawings?” he asked, holding his sketchbook hesitantly.

“Yeah sure.” I eagerly took it from him and started flipping through the pages. Most of his art seemed to be centred more on Nature, with a few abstract ones. So when I saw the only human face, I couldn't hold myself back from making another mental note. The face as a whole looked unfamiliar but some features looked quite familiar.

“How are th- ohh!” Jungkook snatched the sketchbook from me suddenly. “I hope he didn't notice anything.”

What just happened...

“You didn't answer, Hyung.”

You didn't ask, Jungkook. “Absolutely amazing... you want to become a professional artist?”

“Ah... I haven't...” Jungkook and I chatted for the next hour till the time was finally over. Jungkook waited for me as I finished locking the room and handing the key over to the caretaker.

Surprisingly enough, we had gotten really close in just the two hours that we spent together. Maybe it was because we both were the outcasts of our classes or maybe it was because we shared the same Zodiac sign, whatever the reason, we had a lot of similarities. So, with a promise to hang out together again tomorrow, we parted ways.

Later that day at home, when I was doing my homework, something clicked inside my head. That portrait that Jungkook drew, I knew why it looked so familiar.

The eye area!

Mind Reader (!!!Namjin!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now