Bonus omake story: Costume Studies Course?!

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'THAT'S RIGHT! Momo!!' Takumi thought in horror.

"I'm late... Momo is going to kill me!" Takumi sighed before he realized he recognized the person who had just stopped Bakugo and him from fighting.

"Wait... aren't you Fast Fashion? The Pro Hero who can produce threads from your fingers?" Takumi asked. The woman nodded, though what intrigued Takumi about this strange first meeting is how sad the woman looked about the blown up coffee. To be fair, it was a waste of perfectly good coffee.

"So... what was the coffee for?" Fast Fashion asked curiously as she looked at Takumi. The blonde haired boy sighed.

"I was working with the police to catch the villain known as the Juggernaut... dude refused to go down and we stayed up past 3 in the morning to catch that guy. I swear I really gotta finish making that Hulkbuster armor." Takumi replied. That's when Akemi Ito, the alter ego of Fast Fashion, realized who she was talking to. It was Class 1-A's newest student and the first quirkless hero student. The one who was once a famous vigilante, given a chance at legal heroism after he had rescued Principal Nezu from being assassinated and then later was vouched for by Tensei Iida, otherwise known as Ingenium. (*Iron Man: My Hero Academia Season 1 Episodes 3 and 4 respectively) Akemi realized she would have met this boy later today since he would be integrated into her new costume studies course today. She gave him a small smile and handed him a coffee from a belt she wore, holding multiple cans of coffee.

"I don't do this a lot, but you look like you need it and heroes support each other. Now come on, I'll walk with you and explain everything to Ms. Yaoyorozu so she doesn't get too angry at you." Akemi assured Takumi, who gratefully took the coffee. Little did anyone know, the situation at hand was being watched over by Toshinori Yagi, better known as All Might (who was currently in his normal, not buff form) who smiled. He was very impressed by the way Akemi handled the situation between Takumi and Bakugo.

After some intense hero training, the students of Class 1-A were instructed to bring their costumes to Akemi's class to learn how to repair the costumes themselves, should the need ever arise for them to do that. Everyone did as they were told, except for Takumi... or so it seemed.

"Sakai, where is your costume? I'm sure you need to fix a few things with it after training today." Akemi pointed out politely as Takumi had a look of panic on his face.

'This was supposed to be a costume studies class... right?! HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS CLASS?!' Takumi thought in a panic.

'Just relax and tell her that your costume isn't like everyone else's. She seems reasonable enough.' Spirit Tony suggested in his head. Takumi fought the urge to nod his head at what the ghostly mentor, that no one else could currently see or hear, said.

"Yeah... about that... my costume isn't made of fabric..." Takumi explained as he pressed the activation button on his wristband. The Iron Man armor assembled itself onto Takumi before everyone's very eyes, and that's when Akemi remembered... this particular student was quite different than everyone else. Of course his costume was more of a support lab project! His name was Iron Man for crying out loud! How could she have forgotten?! Then she had an idea.

"I can give you one of my old hero costumes so you can participate in the class. Now today we are going to learn how to sew so we can repair our costumes." Akemi told Iron Man before he deactivated the armor, and the unarmored Takumi Sakai took a seat between Izuku Midoriya and Tsuyu Asui.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, ma'am." Takumi told her.

When Akemi Ito was hired by Nezu to do a costume studies course at UA, Nezu had Akemi read over the files of the students she would be teaching. The files were quite extensive, including video files of training they had undergone throughout the year so far... and Akemi didn't fail to notice that the file of Takumi Sakai was much longer than anyone else's.

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