x. Returning Home

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I woke up with a jolt. It took me a while to realise that I was in my messy bedroom and not in the Land of Monsters. There were the posters of my favourite movies that mum had helped me put up. Over in the far corner was my bookcase. Next to it was the desk dad had installed a few weeks ago when I started fourth grade.

Seated beside me was Grandma. She had been knitting something before falling asleep, the needles almost slipping from her grasp. I couldn't tell what it was but suspected it would be a warm jumper.

Everything was placed in its rightful place. It should have felt like home. But something niggled at the back of my mind. I knew that this was all wrong.

Had it all been a dream?

As I swung my legs over the side, Jester almost fell out from where she had been tucked in beside me. I reached out and grabbed her before she touched the floor and placed her upright against my pillow. I gave a peck on the forehead before I got out of bed.

Imagining myself as a teeny tiny mouse, I crept out of the room and gently shut the door behind me. How had I returned? Were mum and dad back as well? And what had happened with Mandy? My head was full of questions. None of which I had the answer to.

I tiptoed my way to mum and dad's bedroom. The door was shut. I knocked, three softs raps. Then I repeated it, a little louder. Silence greeted me. After waiting a few more minutes, I managed to scrounge up the courage to turn the knob. The door swung open with a creak.

Their bedroom was empty and dark. The lights were off and the bed was untouched. I took a nervous step inside. Suddenly, the door slammed shut. I whirled around, too late.

Grandma found me minutes later, curled up in a ball. With the patient of a saint, she directed me down into the lounge and once I had taken my spot on the comfiest armchair in the house, she ducked quickly into the kitchen. Within moments, she emerged once again with a plate full of cookies in one hand and a glass of warm milk.

"Hush now, Evelyn. It was just a bad dream. I know you're worried about your parents but they'll be back before you know it."

"Why can't they be here now?"

She gently patted my head. "Because the doctors need to do further checks, my dear. You know that. We went to the hospital together."

And as she said the words, the memory flitted through my mind. It had been noisy and there had been so many people. Thousands upon thousands had been crammed into the emergency ward and the waiting area. Some had been just as young as me. Others were a lot older and all hunched over. Then there were the people all dressed in a dark blue uniform.

Grandma had led us to a front desk and had asked for directions. We had been directed to the elevator and after asking for another nurse where my parents were, we had finally reached their lonely and quiet room.

"I know, nana. I just miss them so much."

"They're being well looked after, Evelyn. Don't you fear," said Grandma. Her words and her hand, stroking up and down my back, helped to comfort me. As did the cookies and milk.

Out on the landing, the grandfather clock chimed the hour. On cue, I let out a big yawn, my eyelids drooping. With a knowing smile, Grandma coaxed me back to my room.

Once she had tucked me back into bed, she settled again on her stool and picked up her knitting. "I'll be right here, Evelyn. If you need me. The Monster King won't get you here."

As I closed my eyes, I felt the tips of my mouth curve up into a smile. I was safe. I was warm. Grandma would always be there to look after me. My parents were only a day or two from coming back. All the bad things had just been a terrible dream. This was home. I didn't have to worry about anything or anyone, least of all Mandy. Why would I? She was just something I had made up. An invisible friend, as dad often said...

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