iii. The Land of Monsters

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Gathering up my courage, I took a deep breath before crawling underneath the bed. Mandy followed right behind me. Grandma had fallen asleep just before eight in dad's favourite armchair. I don't know how she managed it, with the telly still on. But maybe she liked it that way. I hadn't the heart to wake her. Instead, I had helped clean up dinner and hastily scrawled a note that I left on the coffee table. The TV remote served to keep it pinned down.

Besides, I knew that she wouldn't have agreed to what I was planning to do. Just like every other grown-up, she thought it best to wait for the 'proper authorities.' As if rescuing my mum and dad from the Monster King needed someone's permission.

No. By the time someone actually believed my story, there was no telling what the Monster King would do. If I wanted both my parents safe and sound, I had to do it myself.

"Are you sure about this, Evie? It's not going to be easy," said Mandy.

I tightened the straps of my backpack, my expression grim but determined. "There's no one else, Mandy. No one believes that it was the Monster King. So, I have to do this. As Lady Evelyn, of the chosen Knights of Chivalry, it is my sworn duty."

"Don't forget that I'll be with you, too, Evie. You aren't going into this alone."

The light-up watch on my wrist showed that it was nearly nine. The portal would open soon and I had a very small window to enter their world before the monsters began pouring through to look for any naughty children out of bed. At least, that was the case in the stories mum always used to tell me. And she was always right when it came to such things.

Mandy and I waited in silence. As the seconds ticked by, it seemed as if my heart was beating a thousand miles a minute, ready to burst from my chest. I startled when I felt something land on my shoulder. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Mandy give me a comforting smile. Instead of easing my worries, though, I felt even more terrified. This was a huge step. What if I couldn't save my parents and the Monster King kept me as a prisoner as well? Maybe it would have been better if I waited.

I was jolted out of my thoughts when the huge grandfather clock out on the landing boomed the hour. Nine strikes. Then silence.

To my amazement, a golden portal opened up before my very eyes. I crawled to the edge of it and peered down into its depths. The Land of Monsters seemed so pretty. How could such terrifying creatures come through this beautiful world to steal away naughty children? It didn't make any sense.

But as I prepared to jump into the widening swirl of energy, my courage failed. What did I think I could achieve? I was just a little girl. Not a fighter. Grandma had been right. I should wait for the grownups to handle it.

"Maybe this was a bad idea, Mandy. I don't think I can go through with this."

"What are you talking about, Evie? Don't you want to save your mum and dad? I thought you were Lady Evelyn. Fearless. Warrior Queen. Queen Boudica reincarnated!"

I turned my head back towards Mandy, unsure if she was joking or trying to pull my leg. She stared right back at me. In her mismatched eyes of red and cat-like yellow, there was only encouragement. I took strength in that. Mandy would never hurt me. She was my dearest friend.

Not many people could see her. If they could, they would have seen a girl that was roughly my own age with short straw-coloured hair that was cut into a bob. She could have been mistaken to be any other ordinary girl. But I felt a little bit special when I realised that only I could see her.

Taking a deep breath, I turned my attention back to the portal. Mandy was right. It was now or never. I couldn't trust the adults to save my parents.

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