Chapter Fifteen: Aftermath Pt 2

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Lonnnnnggggg chapter so I apologize
Brooklyn's POV

I park my car in the driveway of my house and head to the door, I unlock it and walk in to see the house is trashed and glass all over the floor, i tiptoe around everything before heading to the stairs but I stop in my tracks when I hear a unrecognizable voice say something in the living room

"So where is she Derrick" He says angrily, I walk further in and make sure to keep quiet as I don't want them to know I'm here

I walk to where I can see them but still remain hidden, I see 5 tall men along with Mr and Mrs Gaye standing around my dad as he sits on the couch with us head in his hands

"I don't know, I texted and called but they all went to voicemail.....she's probably with some boy being a little slut" My father says, I hold myself back from going over to him and slapping him but I'm best to it by one of the men standing around him

My dad falls to the ground holding his face to block from being hit again

"Don't talk about your daughter like that, what did I tell you about talking about your kids like that" One of the men says as he kicks my father in the stomach causing him to groan in pain

"I'm sorry" My Father pleaded as he remains on the floor

"Good now how are my drugs getting transported, we need someone to do it and I'm not  fucking around with you Derrick, you have a baby to feed you know" Mr. Gaye said as he pulls his wife closer

My eyes widen as I look at Mrs. Gaye, she has a small baby bump that's showing through her white shirt, i look towards the men who smile smugly as they look at my father weak on the floor

"Yea so how are we going to settle this transport because I dint have all day" The leading man says intimidatingly

"I'll do it, my reputation may be tarnished but I can rebuild myself, no one will suspect me of drug trafficking so please I beg of you let me do it" My Dad says

The men think it over before smiling and nodding

"Yea sure you can" The tall man says

"Oh thank you and you'll make your money back when his daughter goes to the NFL, she's the cash cow" Mr.Gaye says causing me to frown, ok ouch

"She sure is and I've been in her ass ever since she started playing but I'm afraid she has a taste for music which I'll get her away from it" My dad says evilly as he gets up carefully

"What do you mean into music" Mrs. Gaye says

"I mean that's he's been writing music behind my back" My Dad says before taking out my notepad and throwing it

"And what's wrong with that Derrick" Mr.Gaye says tauntingly

"Because music is bullshit, it's not a real career and she'll never make it, just like you didn't Marvin" My Dad says causing all the men to get angry

"Seems like you never learn your lesson huh Richardson.....get him boys" Marvin says and with that the men attack my father and start beating him viciously, I take this moment to quickly get my notebook and tart out the house

I carefully close the door as I hear my father yell and quickly run to my car and jump in before staring it and peeling out of there as if they were going to follow me

Time skip

I park in front of a local bar that Danny's family owns, he told me to come by a few times but I dec,I Ed because I knew my father would kill me

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