Chapter Twelve: Everything is falling apart

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Three month later
Brooklyn's POV

I wake up with a groan as I stretch and feel every bone in my body crack, it's been a painful three months with training, Monica ignoring me still and Tiffany seemingly trying to change, I look down to see a pad and pencil on my lap chasing me to smile

My siblings and I are still at odds and they blame me for mom leaving still which I have given up on trying to convince them that it wasn't my fault, even my father has been distant from me but I'm more than happy with that

I get up and get dressed before putting my song writing stuff under my mattress and walking downstairs to see my father already gone and my siblings eating in the living room, they do this now so they can avoid me but I stopped giving them a ride since they wanna act like brats

I get an Apple along with some yogurt and a water before walking out the house and getting into my car, I look over to see Monica walking out of the house with Archer, she smiles at him as they talk and she kisses him tenderly

I gag at the sight and see her look my way causing me to look away from her, she's acting so different now and I can't seem to understand why I mean she has to know I didn't do anything

I shake the thoughts out my head before driving to school, I park my car and get out as I finish my Apple and throw it away in the trash can and head to my locker

I open it and get my books out but soon it's shut and Tiffany is looking at me angrily

"What happened to you coming over last night" Tiffany says with her hand on her hip

"I was training, I told you that" I say dryly, we were literally on the phone before my dad called me outside

"Well don't you get breaks I mean you knows you have a girlfriend right" She says causing me to roll my eyes and walk away from her, she's so damn clingy all of a sudden

"Don't think this talk is over" She yells but I just giver her a thumbs up before walking to my first class, seriously starting to regret being with her again

Victoria's  POV

I walk up to Todd and pull him into the janitors closet before locking the door and turning to him

"What's up now" He says, this isn't the first time I brought him in here urgently

"I think the plan needs to move a bit faster" I say cautiously

"What! I thought you said you'd save up enough money before we do it" Todd says surprised

"I have and I have been sucking up to my dad and he's been upping my allowance and I've finished driving school" I say trying to get the point across

"Yea but you don't have a car and I thought we would at least wait until summer hit" Todd says seriously

"I know father is into some shady shit, I know it and he's been doing a lot of weird things and he's been a lot nicer and........I'm scared Todd" I say nervously as I fiddle with my hands, Todd grabs my hand and holds it tenderly

Todd thinks everything over for a bit before signing and looking at me deeply

"Meet me at the champion game tonight, at our spot" Todd says, I nod and kiss him before walking out of the closet and heading to class

Brandon's POV

"Why won't you just come out already" I say frustratedly as I pace around the empty gym

"Because there's a lot going on at home Brandon, it's not the right time" TJ says exhaustedly as he runs his hands threw his hair

We've had this same argument several times and it's getting annoying how he doesn't seems to get the point, he doesn't even talk to me about things anymore and he's been skipping out on dates I've planned in restaurants and he's been acting different

"You can't even look at me and say that, it's been months TJ and I wanna be out and proud" I say causing him to just laugh at me

"What funny" I say with an attitude

"How are you going to tell me to come out when you can't, look I know your home situation but you don't know mine so stop pressuring me, you have been for a month and I'm sick of it....I think we need a break" TJ says causing me to freeze

"What" I say softly

"I think I need some space, your stressed because your mom left and I have my shit going on so it's starting to feel like a need" He says

"Don't bring my mother into this alright, that was Brooklyn's fault and plus I'm fine I mean I've been doing good so please this doesn't need to happen" I say angrily yet pleadingly

"That's the thing, you may be fine which your not but your still missing the point, I'm not happy right now and I'm struggling but you've  only worried about yourself that you haven't even asked me what's going on at home.....just give me some space Brandon" TJ says and with that he walks away from me

I stand there motionless as I watch him walk out of the gym and tears stream down my face....I can tell I'm losing him


Derrick's POV

"I can't believe I have to do this" I say shocked as I sit in the couch

"Well you do, I mean you agreed to do this so keep up your end" Marvin says as he smirks looking at the weka man in front of him

"I can't use my child, this is absurd Marvin, you have a kid too" I say but my face drains of color when I see Marvin's face change

"What did I tell you about bringing my daughter into this" He says as he clenches his fists

"Look I'm sorr-" Before I can get the word out, his fists collides hard with me jaw causing me to fall to the ground

"I don't give a fuck what your sorry for, your my bitch now and you do what I say unless you want everything out there about your family" Marvin says angrily as he stands over me

I shield my face as I look over to see Tammi sitting calmly in the couch as she rubs her small baby bump

What has my life turned into

A/n ok well I've decided that this is how the story is finna go and lord have mercy am I happy asf I mean this is become if a lot stronger than I thought but let me stop gassin myself up


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