Chapter Five: Secrets and Suspicions

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Brooklyn's POV

I walk out on the field with Danny as we talk about my relationship and the teams chemistry

"That was really a show you put on out there Friday" Danny says laughing a bit

"Yea well I wanted to impress my girl, had to pull some strings and thanks to you, it went well" I say smiling

"How well exactly" Danny says as he wiggles his eyebrows, I laugh and push him playfully

"Not like that bro but if you must know, we made out" I say shaking my head

"So you didn't hit huh, I respect that especially since most do it too quickly" he says

I go to respond but I see my sister talking to a boy by the baseball gates, I excuse myself from Danny and he laughs as he sees me walk over to my sister and the guy

"Victoria!" I yell causing her to turn and see me, she instantly motions for me to leave as the boy looks at me nervously

"Hey sis, whos this" I say innocently

"Oh my gosh you are impossible, Todd this is my sister Brooklyn, Brooklyn  this is Todd who i mentioned this morning "Victoria dryly introduces us

I shake his hand and notice he has a good grip which is  good sign, i smile at him as he does the same but nervously

"Well ill leave you too be, gotta head to practice but Todd, treat my sister well" I say seriously

"I will, she's amazing and I'd never hurt her" He says as he looks at my sister lovingly causing her to do the same

I nod and wave to them and give a thumbs up to my sister, she smiles at my approval as i run off and go to join the team for practice but i see Monica and go over to her

"Hey Monica, what are you doing out here, got a man on the team" I say playfully

"Ew, I would never date one of these Neanderthals....... but your not one well you are but your not one..... sorry I'm not into any of these guys" Monica says causing me to laugh a bit a her awkwardness, its kind of cute

"Well thank you I think but anyway why are you here" I say curiously

"School news paper, kind of have to interview some people on the team for the sports category" Monica says

"Wow , tutor and head of the paper, that's cool" I say causing her to blush a bit but hide it

"Well I have a lot of thing to do and I like to keep myself busy" She says a bit sadly

"I understand the feeling.... well Ima go and join the team, coach is anxious today which is never good" I say causing her to laugh a bit

We wave bye to each other and I join the team finally for practice

Dylan's POV

I listen in to Brooklyn and Danny's conversation as we walk in for practice, this bitch took my girl and I'm not going down without a fight, I perk up at the mention of what happened after the game on Friday

"How well exactly" Danny say suggesting thy had sex

"Not like that bro but if you must know, we made out" Brooklyn says causing me to let out a sigh

" So you didn't hit huh, I respect that especially since most do it too quickly" Danny says proudly

I smile as an Idea pops into my head and i detour from the group, I head back inside and go over to the cheerleaders, I spot Tiffany and make a beeline towards her, she turns around when her teammate sees me and rolls her eyes

"What do you want Dylan" she says annoyed

"I want you back that's what" I say getting straight to the point

"For the hundredth time Dylan, I don't love you anymore and I'm with Brooklyn, why cant you just go screw another cheerleader" Tiffany says frustrated

"Because I cant get out sex out of my head" I say in a low voice

"Well try because I'm sure that Brooklyn will b just as good if not better at sex than you" Tiffany says but I don flinch

"Well looks like you'll be waiting a while to find out" I say with a smirk

"What are you talking about Dylan" she says as she look's at me skeptically

"Well I overheard a conversation that she had where she said she's waiting to have sex" I say slyly

"Your lying, we made out but she had to go in to the house but she totally wanted too" Tiffany says unsure of herself for a second

"Well if you don't believe me than check for yourself but what I know is..... you'll be coming back to e so I can make up for what she wont do" I say, whispering the las part in her ear and walking away, leaving her thinking and confused

I have her right where I want her


Brooklyn's POV

I come home after practice to see no car in the driveway, I smile and instantly call Tiffany to come over, she agrees and I hang up the phone

I go into the house and instantly to my room, I've given a lot of thought to what Danny said and I figured its not bad to wait to have sex, I'm no virgin but at the same time I don't wanna rush, especially since Tiffany and I just started dating

I take a quick shower and get out and get dressed when I hear the doorbell rings, I throw my shirt over my head and answer the door to see Tiffany biting her lip at me

"Hey baby" I say smiling at her as she walks in

"Hey sexy" Tiffany says as she wraps her arms around me and kisses me passionately, I kiss back but pull away when It starts to get heated

I lead her to my room and she sits on my bed as I set up Netflix, when its finally set up I it on my bed and Tiffany puts her phone down, we decide to watch All American since I waned to watch QB1 and she wanted to watch Riverdale

Mid way through episode 5  feel a hand on my thigh, I look over to see Tiffany looking at me already, I smile and peck her lips but she pulls me in for a more passionate kiss, we start to make out and she pulls me on tp of her, I allow her but soon stop her when she starts to moan

She looks a bit flustered and frustrated but I ignore it, figuring that she wants to have sex but I don't so I wont lead her on

we finish watching all American and she has to leave, I walk her out to her car in silence and kiss her when she gets into the car, I  watch he drive off and I go to head inside when I hear something coming from next door

I turn my head to see my father leaving the Gaye household , he hugs who I assume is Mrs. Gaye and heads to the front door, I hide behind a car as he heads in, I head in through the back door of the house and look around and don't see him

I quietly head to my room and shut the door, I lay on my bed and think about the weird behavior I've seen today

Why did Tiffany press me to have sex and why was my Dad at the Gaye house so late...... without mom

A/n Well there some weird activity going on around here, its crazy and Todd is cool


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