Chapter Three: Official games and girls

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(A/n ignore the ATM please, it's obviously not the school I'm writing about)

Brooklyn's POV

It's been a week since the tryout and I'm pumped for Friday's game, everything has been going pretty good since we moved here but I still miss my home town

I walk into school and go to my locker, Tiffany usually meets me here in the morning so I decided to get here early, Tiffany and I have been hanging out and she's not as bad as she seemed when I met her and I'm starting to like her a lot

"Hey Brookykins I missed you" Tiffany says once she approach me

"Hey Tiffany" I say calmly as I pull her into a hug and we pull away

"So are you excited for the big game today and the big surprise after that you still won't tell me about"Tiffany says

"Yes I am and your not finding out the surprise so don't ask" I say laughing a bit causing her to roll her eyes and give up

I close my locker and we head to my football locker to drop my stuff off, I ask her to wait outside and she nods as I head in

I drop my stuff off but I hear something outside so I head out to see Dylan talking to Tiffany and Tiffany looking annoyed

"Hey Tiffany, Dylan" I say looking at her with worry then to him with annoyance

Things with Dylan haven't gotten better since the tryout and he's been even more of an ass since then which I didn't think was possible

"Look freak I'm having a conversation with Tiffany so can you butt out" Dylan says in his tough voice

"Looks like your making her uncomfortable so how about you butt out" I say in an aggressive tone

"Look he's acting big and bad for school slut" Dylan says, I got to get closer but Tiffany pulls me away from him and we walk down the hall while he yells insults at us

I walk Tiffany to class and head to my own after, this game is going to be very interesting


It's the end of the day and I finish changing into my street clothes when my new friend Danny comes over to me, he's on the football team too and he's the only one not under Dylan's thumb

"Hey so the plan is still on for tonight's game" Danny says curiously

"Yea the plan is a go, surprised you got some of the guys to agree to this" I say happily

"Well they may be scared of Dylan but they respect you and know that if you left we'd suck ass" Danny says causing me to playfully hit his shoulder

"Thanks man but I gotta head out, got a family dinner to get too" I say fist bumping Danny as I leave

I get to my car and get in before driving off, Tiffany had some kind of family thing after cheer like me so I didn't have to drive her home

I make it home and see my parents heading out the house to the next door neighbors house

"Finally your home, put on a button up and meet us over there ok" My mom says

I nod as my family heads to the neighbors house and I rush inside ours, I make my way upstairs and change into a light blue button up and some black jeans and some vans before leaving the house

Under Bright Lights Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora