Chapter Fourteen: Aftermath Pt 1

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Brooklyn's POV

I walk out of the locker room with Danny as we sat our goodbyes, I dap him up before he heads off with his mom and little sister, I smile before going to the other exit only to see Dylan standing there looking at me

"I told you we'd get to the championships" I say smugly

"Yea and I led us here" He says causing me to roll my eyes

"Well you didn't do that, we worked as a team" I say humbly, I technically did but he won't admit that

"I made the game winning touchdown Richardson, and I heard from a scout in the audience" He says as if he deserves a cookie for that

"Well you can thank me for that touchdown too but I'm not going to stoop to your level of arrogance.....see you next season dickhead" I say, I turn and walk away from him but smile as I know he's seething at the fact that I put that touchdown in his hands

"Well you can thank me for telling everyone about your Dad" Dylan yells causing me to stop in my tracks, I feel every ounce of my being tingle with rage

"You did what" I say turning around to see his smug face

"I was the one who exposed your family and frankly I don't regret anything because now I have the lasting laugh Richardson, won't be long till I get my girl back again too" He says while laughing at me

I stare at him with utter hatred, he's been after me all year and has been trying his best to spite me in everything, I have been holding in all this anger in me for him and I still didn't think he was that fucked up because he's my teammate

I walk closer to him as he continues to laugh and taunt me but I stay silent as I clench my fists tighter

"But I have to admit he was giving it good to her I mean that's how I was fuckin Tiffany last nigh-" Before he can finish that sentence I punch him as hard as the strength in my arm can muster

Dylan falls to the ground unconscious as his lip busts open and he hits the ground hard, I take a breath as I look at him on the floor

"She's all yours jackass" I say before spitting on him and walking away, I grab my things and head to my car and drive home

Victoria's POV
During the game

I wait at the park close to my home for Todd, I look around anxiously with a duffel bag full of clothes and essentials along with one of Todd's jackets he loaned me

I hear a car coming causing me to crouch down, I hope it's not my dad

"Vic" I hear someone yell, I look up to see the bright headlights in my face causing me to get up, I cover my eyes a bit to see who the figure is beside the car, I see Todd causing me to run over to him

I run into his arms and smile as he wraps his arms around me lovingly

"So...why did I pack a bag" I say curiously as we pull away

"We're leaving....tonight" He says causing me to jump up in excitement

"Wait how, we don't have money, a place to stay, a plan" I say starting to freak out but he laughs at me and puts his hands on my shoulders

"I have everything planned out and we're going to be good but we have to go now, I drove past your house and I saw a bunch of men there so let's go before your dad comes looking for you" Todd says causing me to smile

"You'll keep me safe from my fathers plans" I say adoringly

"Always... now let's go build our new life" He says causing me to throw my stuff in the back and get in the car, Todd gets in and starts the car, he turns to me and smiles before driving off away from my house

Brandon's POV
During the game

I make my way to TJ's front door with determination, we can't do this break and I've thought it all through, he wants to keep secrets then fine I'll find out and maybe I can convince him I'm fine

I knock on the door and stand there as my palms start to sweat, was this a good iPad I mean he's upset with me but maybe this is will end like in the movies

The door opens to reveal TJ's Dad, he smiles at me and lets me in before telling me TJ is in his room, I thank him and head up to his room, I walk in to see him at his desk writing like usual

"Hey" I say softly, TJ quickly turns around and quickly wipes his face before getting up

"What are you doing here" He says, catching me off guard

"I wanted to come and check in my boyfriend I mean I care about you and I wanted to tell you that I understand" I say, his face changes and he smiles

"Thank you, I'm so happy you understand that it's not the right time to come out" He says, he goes to continue but I stop him

"I was talking about how I understand that you may have secrets, and you have this unknown reason to not come out but let me make this clear....I still want us to be out" I say

"Yea and I will tell you about those reasons when I'm ready but why is is so hard for you to understand that I can't come out yet" TJ says

"Because you can, your in so much of a better situation and I want you to be yourself" I say exhaustedly

"Yea I may be but I don't have to come out, what's so bad about not being out like you keep trying to rush me but it's my life, my journey, my sexuality not yours" TJ yells catching me off guard p, he never yells at me and he knows what it does

"Don't yell at me.....your the one afraid to come out" I say coldly

"And your the one that keeps pushing me and not understanding" he says coldly

I shake my head as I look at him, I see him on his phone typing vigorously causing me to scoff

"I see why you don't wanna come out" I say laughing

"Oh, and why is that" He says irritatedly

"Your cheating on me....I should have known" I say bitterly

"What! I'm not cheating on know what your delusional and I can't do this right now, you need to get out" TJ says as he throws his phone on the bed

"If I leave I'm not coming back" I say seriously

"You dint mean that...." He says

"I do" I say angrily

There's a thick silence, he looks at me with tears streaming down his face as he walks to the door and opens it

"Leave" He says as his voice shakes

I nod as I feel tears of my own falling, I can't believe he gave up that easy, i walks out and hear him slam his door as he starts to break down, I walk out of the house snd run to my girl best friends house

It's really over.........

A/n wheeeeewwww ok that was upsetting but I had to ok I had to do it so ummmm yea see you next chapter


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