Chapter Four: Thoughts and Tutoring

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Brooklyn's POV

I do wind sprints up the hill in our backyard, it's hot as hell outside and my father is not happy with me

After last weeks game and the whole performance thing, he's been on a tirade ever since and I'm being punished because I sang

"Alright, 200 push ups and if you mess up you have to do 40 burpees then start over" My dad says angrily

I nod as I try to catch my breath, I get down on the ground and start my push ups, when I get to 150 he puts his foot on my back to make it hard

"If you can sing you can do push ups let's go Brooklyn" My dad yells as I groan in some pain

I finish the push ups and he tells me to stay in the push up position

"Alright your punishment is done" My dad says calmly

I fall to the ground, out of breath and in pain but in relief, my father bends down to my level and gets so close I can feel his breath on my ear

"Your punishment may be done but if you ever sing or pull any stunt like that again I will make this punishment worse or I'll do worse" He whispers in my ear

I gulp at the thought of what he'd do and just nod, he gets up and throws a water bottle at me before saying he's heading next door

I get up with some struggle and chug down the water bottle he threw, I get up on my wobbly legs and go inside, I see my mother cleaning in the kitchen

She looks up and sees me coming in covered in dirt and sweat, she smiles at me and just continues cleaning

I shake my head and walk up to my room, I go into the he bathroom and start and ice cold bath for myself, most would take a hot shower but after having a 5 hour workout in the hot ass sun with no breaks and minimum water..... you'd take a cold ass bath

I stop the water and strip my clothes off before getting in and sighing in relief as my muscles, I wash my body and get out

I put on a nike tracksuit and some warm socks before laying on my bed and crashing(outfit above)


I wake up and look at my clock to see it's 7:00 am, I sigh as I get up and don't bother to chang emu clothes as I get my bag and go downstairs

I make myself a bowl of cereal, I start eating when I hear someone come downstairs

I look behind me to see Victoria coming down and smiling at her phone

"Who's got you smiling like that" I say teasingly

"No one......mind your business" Victoria says quickly

"Vic do someone" I say slowly as a smile creeps on my face

Victoria looks around and comes closer to me with a sigh

"Yes but it's not just that, he likes me back and we're talking right now but please don't tell dad, he already doesn't want me playing sports" Victoria says pleading and quietly to not have my dad hear

"Your secret is safe with me but please do tell about this boy" I say seriously

"He's cute and tall and a little skinny but strong skinny, he's so sweet and not like other guys that I've seen and liked.....he's different" she says happily

"Well if he makes you turn into a softy when you talk about him then I approve, what's his name" I say curiously

"Todd, he's on the baseball team and he's in choir" Victoria says

I go to say something but Brandon along with my mom come downstairs, we look at each other and I quietly say that we'll talk about this later

They eat breakfast and we head to school and my mom heads to work

My siblings depart and go with there friends and I walk to my locker, I open it and get out my books since there's an open note test today that I couldn't study for thanks to my father

"Hey baby or should I say girlfriend" Tiffany says smiling at me

"Hey baby" I say as I peck her lips

"Where were you this weekend, I texted and called but you never answered" Tiffany says sadly

"Sorry I kinda got taken away but coach dad so he took my phone" I say apologetically

"Oh well that's ok baby" Tiffany says as her mood changes again

We talk some more as I walk her to class and I head to mine, I'm extra nervous about this as I haven't been doing well I'm chemistry, I know the stuff but I didn't study

I get in class and the teacher passes out the tests and we begin. I try my best given that I know and remember some but not all the information

We pass out tests in and wait till class ends, class ends and I go to leave but the teacher calls me back

"Hey Ms.Chambers what do you need" I say quietly

"Hey so I've not trust you've been doing progressively worse in chem, I know you can do better so I've assigned you a tutor" Ms.Chambers says

"Oh ok well when do they start and will this interfere with Football" I say curiously

"No it won't sweetheart and today, I've already called the school tutor and she's waiting for you now" she says as she hands me the room number, I nod and say bye and thank you as I head out

I walk into the room that it says and I look at the name, Monica Gaye, I look around and see a girl sitting by herself with a book in her hands

"Umm hi is there someone named Monica Gaye in here" I ask the girl

"Well you've found her" she says as she puts her book down

I stare for a minute and just marvel at her, she's beautiful

"Alright Casanova stop staring, you have a girlfriend now come here so we can get this over with" Monica says

I shake my head and say sorry as I sit down with my stuff

"So where do we start, are you failing or just don't care" Monica says blandly

"Ummm I actually have a B now because did poor test scores and I wanna maintain the 4.0 I have" I say kinda put off

This seems to shock her and she straightens up at my tone and flips open to the page of what the teacher must have told her we're on

"Sorry I just assumed you didn't care" she says as she looks down in embarrassment

"Well then don't assume, it's ok though" I say reassuringly

She nods and we begin out session, I start to get the hang of it and realize my mistakes on the test from today, we start to go into the next chapter when the bell rings

"Oh well that's time, I'll see you tomorrow" I say questioningly

"Yup and the same time" Monica says as she smiles a bit at me

I smile back and wave to her as I leave the room, I see Tiffany waiting for me and I smile but not as big as I did with Monica

"Hey baby bear" she says kissing me, I kiss back and we walk down the hall, I turn around and see Monica staring at us, she gives me a small smile and I return it before turning back to Tiffany

Tutor seem cool

A/n well welll well double the damn treat huh. Well I'm done updating this what I said when I began writing it, well at least y'all got two in one night


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