Chapter Six: Bullshit

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Brooklyn's POV

I wake up to my alarm and groan, I check my phone to see no good morning text from Tiffany causing me to sigh in annoyance, its been a about a month since Tiffany came over and we haven't been doing well

She's been trying to take things to the next level and have sex but I've turned her down every single time, I've told her I'm not ready and she cant seem to understand that and on top of that she seems to have an issue with my friendship with Monica, I rub my eyes and decide to just ignore it 

I wanna cheer myself up a bit and to do that....I gotta look good, I go to my closet and pull out one of my favorite outfits and put it on (the outfit above) 

I head to the bathroom and do my routine before heading downstairs, I go to turn the corner but I hear my Dad talking to someone and I stop, his suspicious exit from the Gaye's house  has been on my mind and I have a bad feeling, I listen in on his conversation

"Well Tanya went on a business trip a few days ago and wont be back for a bit so we'll have some privacy, ok well the kids are here so i may have to sneak away, Ok see ya, yea bye" My Dad says as he hangs up the phone

What the hell is he planning, and please tell me this isn't what it seems, I round the corner and he sees me and perks up as I sit down  on the stool in the kitchen 

"Hey champ, what's the plans today" My dad says as he looks at me and drinks his coffee

"Well the same ole same ole, go to school, than tutoring then practice and come home and study some more" I say blandly 

"Well you practice hard today and is Tiffany coming over today" He says curiously 

"I don't think so, were kind of not talking right now" i say awkwardly, not really wanting to talk to him about this situation I'm in 

"Well everything will work out and hey worse coms to worse, you can always give her some if you know what i mean" he says causing me to cringe 

"Dad I don't wanna have sex with her right now and can we please not talk about this" i say uncomfortably

"I'm just messing with you but I definitely suggest giving her what she's missing, wrap it up always" He says taking a condom out his pocket and tosses it to me 

I awkwardly take it from him as my siblings come downstairs, my dad looks over at them and specifically towards Victoria whos again smiling at her phone

"What's got you so happy Vic" My Dad says 

"nothing just a post on Instagram" Victoria lies as she puts her phone in her pocket 

"Ok.... Hey Brandon, why you wearing that" My dad says nodding toward Brandon's outfit 

He's waring some skinny jeans and a button up that's not all the way buttoned with some Jordan 1 lows that show a bit of ankle 

"I wanted to look nice today" Brandon says looking down at his outfit then back to our Dad 

"Look nice or look gay, I wont judge but you look a little feminine" My dad says making Brandon look down 

"Alright lets go to school" I say breaking the very thick tension in the room as i get up with my bookbag 

My Dad walks out while giving my siblings weird looks and we hang back a bit while Brandon looks at his outfit again 

"You look good Bran now lets go" I say looking at him, He smiles and I look towards Victoria as she types away at her phone 

"Tell Todd I said hi" I say supportively as we walk out to the car and Victoria looks at me happily 

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