Chapter Ten: "Perfect Family"

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Trigger warning ⚠️: Child abuse and parental issues and missing persons
Brooklyn's POV

I walk into school with my siblings, we talk like we normally do but notice everyone looking at us, students, teachers and even administrators as they walk through the hallway, I look at my siblings who have the same look as me

"Brooklyn why is everyone staring at us" Brandon says as he holds his bookbag close to him

"Yea its creeping me out" Victoria says as she looks at me confused and uncomfortable

"I have no idea but y'all head to class of with your friends, I'll catch up with y'all later ok" I say looking around at everyone then to my siblings

They nod and walk off towards there friends and classes as I monitor the hallway, everyone is staring at me with glares and smug looks with some even looking sadly at me, I shut my locker and head off to my first class of the day but as I walk in, people stop there conversations and look at me with the same looks

I sit down uncomfortably as people just go back to their previous conversations but glance at me form time to time

Few hours later

I walk into tutoring to see a freaked out and angry Monica, I sit down in front of her and look at her, we haven't talked since the whole getting back with Tiffany thing yesterday and I weirdly miss her

She finally notices my presence then looks at me with a disgusted and menacingly evil look, as if I literally bitch slapped her mom which I wouldn't mind doing

"You have some really balls to even show up today Brooklyn" Monica says pulling her books out and glaring at me, I look at her confused

"Ummm what are you talking about" I say confused as she looks at me and scoffs

"Well for someone who clearly wants to see my father back in rehab or off the deep end gain, you sure act clueless" Monica says angrily as she slams the book down on the table causing people to look at us

"I have no idea what your talking about" I say as I lean towards her

"Ugh just stop.....stop pretending like you didn't see the schools twitter and Instagram page, I know it was you, you asshole" Monica yells as she stands up causing me to stand up with her

"I didn't post anything, I don't even follow the schools pages besides the football pages and even then I haven't been on my phone, what was even posted" I say raising my tone

"Fine, I'll show you since you wanna lie" Monica says pulling up whatever she's talking about, she gets it up and shows me the post and my heart drops to my ass and my eyes widen in shock

Its a picture of my Dad and Monica's Mom fucking in the window, I sit down in my seat as I think of what my Dad said if I told someone, now some sicko leaked this photo onto social media

I instantly pull out my phone and go to the football pages and see the same photo posted with the caption

"Breaking News: Brooklyn Richardson's Family is a fraud, cheating!!!, wow they have being lying to us all, Perfect family my ass"

I close my phone as I start to feel my heartbeat faster and my breath to quicken, my first thought is to get up but as soon as I stand up I suddenly lose conciseness


I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm in the nurses office, I look around to see my siblings sitting next to me, I smile as I look at them but I see they look sad and very disappointed which tells me they saw the photo

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