Chapter Seven: A String of Bad Events

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This is finna be a long one guys so brace yourself
Trigger warning ⚠️ child abuse and mentions of bodily harm

Brandon's POV

I rub my hands together as I sit in TJ's room, the car ride here was nerve racking enough and my hormones and anxiety are though the roof, I really like this guy and I don't want to embarrass myself

"My mom is finished making dinner, you ready to come down" TJ says entering the room

"Oh yea I'm ready" I say not getting up causing TJ to laugh

"Are you ok, you seem nervous" He says coming towards me

"I'm fine, just get shy around new people

"Well my family is very easy going and you'll be ok and I'm here and you can hold my hand if you feel anxious" TJ says causing me to smile and nod

"Now lets go handsome before the food gets cold" He says as he winks and walks out the room

I swoon and blush before taking a deep breath and head downstairs, his mom greets me along with his dad and younger sister, we all sit down and eat and start to get to know each other

I calm down as we all continue talking until his Dad asks me something

"So Brandon, when would we meet your parents" TJ's Dad says as he takes a bit of his food

I tense up but suddenly feel a hand on mine under the table, I look over to see T smiling at me warmly and encouragingly

"Hopefully soon, they both are really busy with work and my sister's football training" I say a bit shakily

Dinner soon ends and TJ and I head back to his room and watch some gaming YouTube video's, as we watch I cant help but look at him, he's so cute and caring but I cant tell if he likes me back of if he's just flirty

"I can hear you thinking" TJ says as he looks at the tv and breaks me out of my thoughts

"What?" I say caught off guard, he pauses the video and turns towards me

"Your thoughts are so loud and your stare into my head has me worried about you, and the way you tensed up at the mention of your parents has me thinking" TJ says and I start to panic

"Hey Hey don't worry, we don't have to talk about it but why do I feel like you have something else on your mind" He says curiously as he takes my hand into his

I take a deep breath and pace myself, Its now or never

"I......Like you TJ as more than a friend and you don't have o like me back, its ok if your straight-" I say but get cut off by his lips, I instantly kiss back and we soon pull away

"I like you too, if you haven't been able to tell with me flirting and holding your hand,but I'm tired so lets head to bed, we got school tomorrow" He says

"Can we cuddle.." I say in a small voice

He nods and pulls me close as we turn the bedside lamp off and the tv, I smile as I drift off to sleep feeling happy as can be

Brooklyn's POV

I walk away from the room as I hear my father calling after me, I head into my room as today's events have me spiraling mentally and I feel overwhelmed

"Brooklyn you weren't supposed to see that" I hear my Dad say as he enters my room, I look up angrily at him and get up

"Its not that I wasn't supposed to see that, its you not cheating on mom, that's what shouldn't have happened!" I yell as I look at him with disgust

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