Part 10

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When we arrived at the tower everyone went to bed as they hadn't slept much since I was captured. I went to the floor Loki and I share. I pulled out my dagger and pushed it into a loose brick. I pulled the brick out and pushed a button.

The wall opened and I walked through. I closed the door, making the mistake of forgetting about the brick which laid on the floor if the other side and Loki.

I breathed in deeply and focused on everything I felt. I didn't use this room to read, no, I used it to draw as my painting skills weren't as good. I grabbed my sketch book and pencil before floating in the air. I drew how I saw Rebekah today, she was even more beautiful than she was all those years ago, there was a male with her clearly her mate, if that's what vampires call it. She called him Marcel. I drew him behind her, almost faded away.

I then added the last of Marcel's fade as Loki burst into the room, I pulled up my illusion and walked up to him. "Have you been looking for me, Lokes?" I asked and he sighed. "Let the illusion fall darling," he cooed. "I'm fine Loki don't worry," I said and he pulled me closer hugging me. "Please?" he asked and I let the illusion fall, showing that I was almost as white as paper and trembling.

"Alexia, we're going to my room, now." Loki demanded and lifted me up. I smiled ever so slightly and muttered: "He's dead, I'm a little safer now."

"What do you mean?" He asked and I smiled swaying slightly and said: "My brother killed our father, our mother is dead too and the one sibling who loved me even though he chose my mothers side to kill the others and himself, he just fled apparently."

"Do you need blood?" he asked and I laughed a little, "No, I need a stable life. One where I don't need to be afraid."

"I need you to drink, your muttering, weakness is not what you need." he said and put his wrist by my mouth. I looked up at his eyes which were emerald green with blue swirling in them, they held so many emotions, they were beyond beautiful. "Guess I owe you twice now." I said and drank enough to heal properly.

"Thank you, love, I meant Loki." I said and sat up a little. "Want to tell me what that place was?" he asked and I smiled: "I go there to draw, I just needed to let out something. So I drew my sister and her boyfriend or mate or whatever."

"Let's go to sleep, recover completely." he suggested and I snuggled into his chest.

***In the morning***

I was awoken by Loki lightly shaking me and muttered: "Five more minutes Damon."

"Darling, It's Loki and the team wanted you down by 12:00 which is in 3 minutes." Loki said and I just pulled over one of his shirts, since I was half asleep. I didn't even bother using magic to fix my appearance so my hair was slightly messy and I looked like hell.

I heard Loki chuckle behind me and rolled my eyes. When we walked into the living room Tony looked confused and asked: "Whose shirt are you wearing?" Half asleep I answered: "Loki's, not enough time to get ready and am tired."

He seemed to panic and asked Nat if we were dating to which she answered 'no not yet.'

I drank my coffee and fixed my appearance except for the shirt I stole. "So, what did you need me for?" I asked and Steve started: "Well, we-" only to be cut off my FRIDAY: "Alex, someone's here to see you." I looked at the cams and had to hide the bubbling happiness I felt. "Let him up to my floor, I need privacy for this encounter."

"Can this wait? I shouldn't be too long?" I asked trying to hide how happy I was. "I don't-" "Yes, go see mystery man." Nat cut Sam off and I rushed up the stairs hearing Sam ask Nat why she did that. "She was so happy to see this mans face, I'd let her go for once." she answered and I made my floor.

Mikealson's, avengers, and...gods??Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang