Part 9

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I woke up to see I was still on the couch with Loki as a pillow who was reading a book. I looked up and barked, forgetting that I was in wolf form.

"Morning little wolf, how'd you sleep?" he asked with a smirk.

"I slept great thank you but why didn't you leave?" I asked and he told me that he couldn't stand up as it would've awoken me. I thanked him and jumped up. "Thank you but I need to turn back." I said and moved to my bathroom, turned back and put on new clothes.

I walked out and Loki was in battle armor. "What's going on?" I asked and Loki said: "We are all needed, a hydra mission or something. It was reported." I nodded and used magic to put on my new suit and cloak.

"Let's head down to the rest, my prince." I said with a small smile and teleported to the quinjet.

"Great to see you again, Alex." Steve said and started his boring plan. "I have a better plan." I stood up.

"As far as I've gained knowledge of, this might be a trap so splitting up will only make things both easier and harder for both sides. We move in a group, distance can be held but no one loses each other because as it sounds we might need to put up a fight." I said and they nodded.

We landed and saw nothing. I scanned the area and saw nothing so we kept walking until I picked up multiple heartbeats. "Stand your ground, now!" I growled and everyone turned to me. "They're hiding I'm getting at least 300 heartbeats that are unknown to my knowledge." I said and they looked around. "Why aren't they making a move?" Thor asked and I growled: "Because we are being surrounded."

"Wanda can you blast?" I asked and she shook her head. "Can you shield?" she nodded.

"You and Loki make a shield." I ordered and Tony butted in: "Alex you have your limiters on!"

"You should have noticed that they don't work. Plus I can melt them when I use more power." I reassured him.

I remembered everything bad that ever happened, such as extreme fear, pain, sadness and loss only made the blast stronger. The guys started firing and so did the team. A tranquilizer hit my neck and made me snap out of my thoughts. I roared, not angry but painful and let go of the dark blue magic I held as well as any pent up emotion except my hidden love.

My magic went far and was strong but my strength against whatever tranquilizer was however, not so strong. As the avengers tried to recover from the loud roar and blast I released a man picked me up and I whimpered as I couldn't do anything.

"I'm going to-" I tried to talk but was muzzled.

***With the avengers***

They all stood up and saw Alex being muzzled as a clear whimper could be heard. Pietro yelled: "Alex!" and ran but was shot in the knee. "Where are they going?" Wanda asked and Bucky said: "To a hydra base, she's one of their targets." Tony held out a locator which showed that the tracker was disabled.

"We need to find her, ASAP!" Clint said in panic for her but they ran up to the quinjet and flew to the tower to try an rest, only problem was: no one could even close their eyes at the thought that their friend, hell she was family. That's why it broke them when she thought they were just using her. She was the odd glue to the whole disfunctional, functional family. She. Was. Their. Alpha.

***With Alex**

I tried to move a it but noticed that I was tied to a chair and in chains. No wolfsbane, no vervain. perfect an easy escape. I started pulling at the chains when someone walked in.

"Ah, Fallen Phoenix. We've been waiting for your capture." The man said as a few others walked into the room. The man pulled my hood up and ran his filthy hand down my cheek then grabbed my face harshly. "Pretty little thing you are." he whispered and I growled. "I'm going to kill you."

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