advancements in mankind

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i know that i am progressing.
every day a little bit closer
to independence,
to adulthood.

i am not a little kid;
not really.
i have a job,
a car.

but nevertheless,
i feel like i have not aged a bit,
my mind and my emotions
remain unchanged.

my life keeps moving forward,
but my brain has come to
a complete stop,
like a child in an adult's body.

why am i working
and driving
and learning advanced math?
a child should not be part of that.

how will i function
when i am on my own
if i can barely function
here and now?

and i cannot think
of a way that i can
progress myself
the way that i want.

i do not know
what steps to take
to truly become
an adult.

but there are steps, right?
i do have to take them, right?
where do i find them?
how can i advance?

and i have to wonder...
does it hurt?
is it a painful path,
the path to adulthood?

will there be tears?
will there be blood?
will i even make it through
to the other side?

can't someone,
or something
just take me there,
beyond this strange transition?

is there a way to forgo,
to bypass?

to run?

to get away?

Poems From Another Sad TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now