teenage dream

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sometimes i like to imagine
what i think will happen
when these stupid teenage years
are over with.

after these kids in adult bodies
who try to profit off their hobbies
enter reality and wonder what
they've missed.

will they choose to see the world
for what it is?

and we say that we'll
refuse to settle,
i think our parents
said that, too.

avoiding an in-law's
need to meddle,
and children's toys
in the next room.

but look at where
they're at,
the lives they swore
they wouldn't live.

and that future's
coming at us fast,
because all at once,
we aren't kids.

i guess what i'm saying
overall is:
teenage dreams aren't
meant to last.

they slip by us
when our futures come,
and one day
they'll be in the past.

we'll get to party
if we're lucky,
get to travel
if we're rich.

but in the end
we'll just be grown-ups,
having jobs
and getting hitched.

we are the moment,
but it's ending,
it's falling like
the autumn leaves.

our current lives
are merely pending,
real life approaching
at our eaves.

Poems From Another Sad TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now