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Really, most of all,
I just want to be good at something.

I don't want to be some
Mediocre nobody my entire life.

I want my poetry to be read,
I want my songs to be heard.

I want people to look
At all of the things that I have done

And say "wow. She's incredible."
"I wish my stuff sounded like that."

And then they would try
And be incredible, too.

I don't know. I guess what I'm saying
Is that I wish to be remembered.

And not just by my family
Not just by my friends.

I want strangers to remember.
I want strangers to care.

And maybe that's a narcissistic
Thing to think and say.

And maybe my dreams are ridiculous
And should be thrown away.

But maybe they're not.
And that's what gives me hope.

Poems From Another Sad TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now