By Just a Thought

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Loop after endless loop
Of words that don't make sense.
Telling me how bad it is
Just to see how bad it ends.

In a whisper somehow loud
That makes my body burn
Like acid in an open wound.
I don't know where to turn.

People would cry if they knew my mind,
Calling an aching plot.
They'll never quite know what it's like
To be destroyed by just a thought.

Why can't I escape from this prison I made?
I didn't mean to make it so strong.
No one comes in, no one comes out,
And alone I sing my song.

People would cry if they knew my mind,
Calling an aching plot.
They'll never quite know what it's like
To be destroyed by just a thought.

Poems From Another Sad TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now