[chapter eight] scream

Start from the beginning

There was blood, so much blood. It coated her hands and slowly sank into her clothes.

It was everywhere.

An ear piercing scream flew past her lips, blowing out every source of electricity in the store. Small cracks began to race down the windows, testing the glasses strength as Aires frantic voice filled the air.




"Aires!" Jackson screamed from beside her as he desperately shook her, trying to snap her out of her trance. "AIRES, LOOK AT ME!"

With wide eyes, she frantically shook her head, refusing to believe what was right in front of her. A body, a dead body, right at her feet. Though it wasn't just a normal dead body, whoever had murdered the guy had completely annihilated him. The sight was inhuman.

Every memory from her last came flooding back. The fire, her family, their screams.

"It's okay, we're getting out of here and we're gonna get help, okay?" Jackson whispered in her ear as he soothingly ran his hand up and down her back.

It wasn't hard to put two and two together. To realise what was happening, what was running through Aires head. Careful not to frighten the Hale, Jacksons hand slipped into the girls as he gently pulled her to her feet.

"I know." She hissed through gritted teeth. "I'm fine-"

Suddenly, a low growl ripped through the room, sending a race of chills through the two. From across beside the till, bright red eyes stared back at them

With a small gasp, she snatched her hand out of the boys and slammed her back againt the book case. Slowly, she brought her finger to her lips, warning him to stay silent as she waiting for the sound of footsteps. She had been in worse situations before, and the last thing she needed was for Jackson to fuck up and try to play the hero.

She didn't have a plan, or have a clue what she was doing. She was stuck in a room with god knows what, and that fact terrified her more then anything.

A low growl echoed through the room, sending the Hale into a state of panic. There was nothing she could do. She could run, but she wasn't sure if she would ever be fast enough. Before she could make a plan, the shelves began to fall like dominoes.

"Fuck!" Aires whisper hissed as she frantically ran her fingers through her hair.

On instinct, she shoved the boy beside her out the way, just before the case came crashing down on top of her. A wince fell from her lips as her head collided with the floor, sending a shooting sensation through her body.

Every inch of her began to ache and throb as her mind screamed at her to move. To run. To do anything other then stay stuck.


Jacksons panicked screams slowly began to fade to the Hale as her eyes fluttered closed. She tried to fight it, to stop her eyes from closing. But the more she protested, the more exhuasted she was becoming. She couldn't fight the darkness that threatened to consume her anymore.

'✧∘* ˚.

"I already told you, I tripped over the store manager's body. Jackson pulled me up and when we tried to leave the exit was blocked." Aires repeated for what felt like the hundreth time.

All she wanted was to leave, to go home and sleep. But the paramedics and officers were making her wish impossible.

"By what?" An officer asked.

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