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Niall's POV

"Come on, Niall." Liam told me as he guided me through the grassy field full of flowers and weird concrete stones. I smiled, and took his hand with the one that wasn't carrying flowers for Zyan. They're the prettiest flowers for him that me and Liam could find.

We got to the place we actually ended up coming to allot, because it's now summer, and I set down the flowers right in front of the concrete stone thing that said Zayn's name on it.

Zayn never woke up from his nap that day in the hallway. I waited a long time, but he just laid there sleeping. Then the men in the nurses clothes came and took him from me on a bed. I kissed him and smiled because he was on a bed for his nap. But, the next time I saw Zayn was when he was in a funny looking box thing still sleeping. Liam told me that Zayn was in heaven just like his little sister. That made me happy for Zayn, he needs to be in heaven because he's perfect.

Sometimes I really miss Zyan. Well, all the time I miss him. I miss his kisses and the way he would read to me. I miss his laugh, smile and the way he would hold me. I feel really sad the times I think about him because Liam says I can't see him anymore. He says Zayn isn't here anymore. I just like to think he's on another planet saving the world like the best superhero he is.

I sat in the grass and looked at the concrete thing that said his name and smiled even bigger. I bet Zayn would think this is pretty cool. It has the big Superman sign on it, but instead of an 'S' it's a 'Z' for Zayn. I told his mum he was like Superman and she wanted to put it on this rock thingy. It's really cool, I just wish Zayn would come back and see it.

I reached my hand out and pet the cold stone with my finger tips, but my smile fell when I really wished I could be touching Zayn. Liam sat beside me and pulled me close to him. I felt allot of sad things in my heart that I didn't understand, but I cried a little bit anyway. I always felt better after I did.

"We're alright." Liam said softly and he rubbed my arm. He was really nice to me, especially because I lived with him and when to his school. Our old school closed down, but Liam didn't want me to go back home. Mrs.Haley wanted to take me with her, but instead I went with Liam. It's like having a brother or something like that. We watch movies and he let's me talk about Zayn all the time. His mum and dad are nice to me. They were really sad about Zayn, but I remember Zayn joking they didn't like him. He's silly, everyone loves Zayn. But, no one loves him more than me.

"We have to get driving back home. It's a few hours away." Liam told me after a while. I hated this part. I didn't understand why I felt so sad to leave the rock that says Zayn's name, but I just did.

We both stood up and brushed ourselves off. Just when Liam was about to say something to me, someone else talked.

"Hey guys." Louis said as he walked up and put more flowers for Zayn. He also put a really small football down, making me smile. Zayn loves football.

"Hey, Lou. We were just leaving, sorry I didn't tell you we would be here too." Liam said to the boy that told me he was sorry for being mean to me and that he wanted to be my friend. I gave him a hug because he was crying allot when he was talking to me. Everyone seemed to cry allot for a long time, but I didn't mind because I could cry too.

"I'll see you guys later. Li, text me and we can do something fun before summer is over. I heard there's nice weather at the beach this weekend, so bring your board and your Niall and we'll surf." Louis said, poking me in the tummy to make me giggle. I did, then turned around to that rock. I gave it a small pat and smiled at it, telling it the same thing I did every time, hoping if Zayn will hear me he'll come back.

"Niall loves Zayn forever."

A/N: I cried so hard writing this! Ugh! I need sleep, chocolate and a cuddle buddy. Anyone? This is too much for me....

Thanks again for reading, commenting and voting! I love you guys, stay tuned for my new story that I'll be writing when my heart can heal a bit more. Tell me how you feel about this! Comment / Vote!
                                  - Bri;)

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