Chapter 13

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Zayn's POV

Liam didn't come back to our room until 3:00 in the morning. When I looked at him, he wouldn't even lift his head from looking at the floor. He just shuffled straight into the bathroom, and turned on the shower.

I didn't mind him showering now, but when his shower lasted for an hour and a half, I got worried. So, climbed out of bed to go check on him. When I walked in, he was just standing there with his clothes soaking wet, the shower curtain opened and his head resting against the wall as the water sprayed at him. I didn't say anything to him, I just shut off the water and started to help the freezing boy strip down out of his wet clothes. I want to ask why he was standing here in freezing cold water, but the blue ring around his lips, chattering of his teeth and constant shiver he had going through his body made me know to ask him questions later.

I got his jeans off with much of a struggle, then got his shirt off. I saw some brused on his body, but I knew we had a hard practice and he got hit quite a bit so it was probably just from that. I caught his eyes and saw they were blood shot red. They looked like they were bearly staying open too and had this cloud over them that I've never seen anywhere.

"Did you kiss Niall?" He asked me quietly. I looked away from him and took off his wet boxers, then started drying him with a towel.

"No, I didn't. I want to ask him if he wants to be my boyfriend though. I don't want to loose him by waiting to long and not taking a chance." I told him just as quietly as I finished drying him off. I lead him back to our room and got him some fresh boxers and a t-shirt, even though he doesn't usually sleep in a shirt. His body is still pretty cold so I thought he needed that. I helped him get those on because he looked extremely shaken by something and couldn't handle doing the small things, like stepping into his own boxers or lifting his arms to put a shirt on.

I helped him lay down in my bed because it was already warm from me sleeping in it and I climbed in with my best friend. We both were facing each other when I saw Liam's eyes cloud with sleep.

"Have you ever cum two times?" He asked me so quietly that in almost didn't catch it. I propped myself on an elbow, startled by his words, and looked at him like he was crazy. This is Liam, he shouldn't be saying dirty things like this.

"No, that would probably kill me. Why are you asking me this? Is that where you were?" I asked him with a bit of force so his eyes would say open. He gave me a sleepy smile and shut his eyes.

"Get Niall to be your boyfriend and maybe I'll tell you." He whispered, then completely feel off the face of the earth into sleep. I ran my hand through his wet hair and looked over his face. He looked completely exhausted. He didn't even have a normal color to his skin. I just hoped he would tell me where he was tonight that way my mind would stop running wild with possibilities.

I let sleep take over my mind after I made sure Liam was warm and comfortable. He seemed like he was, so I pulled him into my chest to give him a sense of comfort and fell asleep holding him to me. Just, something made me feel like where he was tonight was bad and he needed to be held by someone that cared about him. I don't know why I feel it. I just do.

Niall's POV

I woke up in my room really early. It was still night time out my window, but I wanted to wake up. Well, not really, I just wanted Zayn. He cuddles me and makes me feel fluffy, maybe he can do that now.

I got out of my bed holding my Woody stuffed animal that Mrs.Haley gave me to say sorry for not being able to wake me up in the morning and tuck my into bed. She's so silly, Zayn does that now.

I slowly walked down the hall to where Zayn and Liam's room was. I hope they don't mind me coming to cuddle with Zayn. Zayn won't mind me being with him, he told me he likes it when I'm with him, but Liam needs sleepy time so he might not like me going in there to wake everyone up. I'll be really quite and won't wake anyone up, I promise. I won't make him mad like my daddy when I woke him up to night.

My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum