Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV

"Niall, babe, it's time to get up." I whispered to the boy that was tangled around my body. Liam had already left to go run, but I figured I needed to get Niall up to get him to his room and showered for school.

"Mummy?" Niall asked, sounding like he was still asleep. Hearing what his sleepy mind said only made me feel some sort of mixed emotions. I wanted to think how cute it was he asked for him mum, but it also caused me pain that he didn't know his mum wasn't good to him.

"Niall, you have to get up." I said sweetly and kissed his forehead, then his cheeks. He let out a sleepy giggle and rolled off of me. My body felt oddly cold when the small boy wasn't cuddling into me. I looked over at him and saw he was just looking at me with this sparkle in his eyes and a sweet smile on his face. I moved down on the pillow so I was face to face with him. I leaned in slowly and rubbed my nose against his, then placed a kiss on the tip. Niall giggle and moved closer to me.

"I like when Zayn does that." He whispered and moved his head closer to me. My arms wrapped themselves around his waist, pulling him into my body, then I repeated my earlier actions. I felt bubbles of joy erupt in my stomach as he started to do it back to me. I guess he just needs a bit to understand how to do something to get the hang of it. The sweet moment we were sharing, that I wished would never end, was ended by Liam slowly opening the door and looking at us. Niall's eyes stayed trained on me, with that cute smile on his face. I looked at Liam and saw he had a smile on his face too.

"Morning cuddle bugs!" He said with a small laugh. I smiled and sat up, but made sure to keep my hands connected to some part of Niall which in the end was both his hands.

"We have to get up now." I told Niall, giving his hands a squeeze. He nodded and sat up with me, but climbed on my lap and wrapped his thin arms around me.

"I want you." He mumbled into my neck where he had placed his head. Liam gave us both a funny look then walked into the bathroom. I wrapped my arms around the cuddly boy and placed a kiss in his hair.

"I've got you, but you have to go back to your room and have a shower to get ready for school." I felt Niall take a deep breath, then he climbed off my lap. I got up after him and went to the hall to see if anyone was there. In my point of view and all the perverted teenagers, this would look like Niall is going the walk of shame back to his room. I didn't want that, so I made sure no one was there to see him leaving my room.

"Come on, I'll walk you back to your room." I told him, reaching my hand out to him. He padded over to me and tangled his fingers with mine, giving me that weird tingling feeling from my arm to the rest of my body. I walked him down the hall to his room, but I had an uneasy feeling about this whole situation. I felt like someone was watching us or like something wasn't quite right.

I opened the door for Niall to get in his room and walked him in fast so that feeling would leave my stomach. I felt a soft hand pat my shoulder lightly and turn around to face Niall, who had a slightly pained expression on his face. I looked down at our hands and saw just how tight I was holding it. I dropped it and pulled Niall into my chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even notice. I'm sorry." I told him, but he just giggled and wiggled out of my grip.

"Superman is strong, so is Zayn." He told me proudly and holding his hand up to me. I took it and placed kisses all over it to show him how sorry I was for crushing his little hand. I didn't even know I was doing it. I guess that uneasy feeling was stronger than I realized and made me hold Niall tighter than I should have.

"Shower time?" He asked me after I placed the last kiss on his hand. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"I have to go too. I'll see you in class, Niall." I told him. He nodded and smiled at me, then started to strip his clothes. I took that as my cue to leave and walked out the door of his dorm room.

My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now