Chapter 16

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Zayn's POV

"Yes, Mum, I'm still coming home. You said you were going to pick me up tomorrow and I haven't changed my mind. I want to go home, I miss you guys." I was on the phone with my mum as I packed a few things before I went home tomorrow. I didn't want to spend two weeks without seeing Niall, and I didn't want him to go home either, but after the tension and dealing with Liam not communicating with me; I'm ready to go home for a while. Everyone was going home now, but I feel like I'm the first person that's leaving.

"Call me when you get here, Mum. Love you." I hung up the phone as I finished folding the last shirt I wanted to bring with me and putting it in my duffle bag. I have allot more of my clothes at home than I do here, but there are some things I like to wear that I want to take with me. Liam had already been packed since Tuesday so he was just laying on his bed reading a book while I did my last minute packing.

I flopped on my bed and looked at the new book Mr.Cowell gave me to read that was on the bed side table, which was The Giving Tree, and picked it up. I never read any of the books he gives me unless I was reading it to Niall, so this was a first. I always loved this story when my mum would read it to me when I was younger. But now, as I was stumbling through reading it on my own, this book was more than a children's story. This book was about someone who gave everything they had to make the other person happy, no matter what the cost was or what they lost themselves. The tree was always happy though. Somewhere in my heart, I felt like that's what Liam his hiding from me, but I can't figure out what he could possibly be doing that he's giving and can't tell me.

"You enjoying your book?" Liam asked me with a smart ass tone in his voice. I finished the last page of the book and shut it gently.

"As a matter-of-fact I am. Ready to go home for spring break?" I asked him as I put the book back and sat up. He smiled widely and nodded.

"Definitely. I think I might never come back. This place is hell." He told me with a slight bite to his words. I just nodded, then turned out the lamp beside me for the night. It was already almost midnight, so I knew we should be asleep by now. I was leaving really early and I wanted enough time to say bye to Niall tomorrow, so I decided lights out for me.

"We can both never come back together. We won't have to see Louis' stupid face that way. Night Li Li." I said sleepily, then drifted off into a nice world of dreams of my Niall.

I was awoken by the click of the room to our door a few hours later. I looked over to see Liam's bed was empty, just rumpled up covers to be a sign he was ever there. I got out of bed and went to check if he was in the bathroom, but the lights were off so I knew he wasn't. When I turned them on, I saw the medicine cabinet door was open, so I went to go close it but stepped on something. When I looked down to see what it was, I was met with a foil packet that hadn't been opened yet. I picked up the condom and looked over it and knew that was Liam's. The ones I have are different than his, even if we have one box in the medicine cabinet we both used sometimes, he still liked to have his own. I opened the door under the sink and saw an almost empty box of his brand of condoms.
I tried to think of who Liam could possibly be sleeping with, if that's what he was doing, to go though so many condoms on his own. He's much too smart to be doing this with multiple people, but he's also too emotionally invested in people to be having meaningless sex. I looked at the packet in my hand and contemplated if I should ask him about this, or if I should let him have his privacy in this. I made my decision when I thought of how horrible I felt just having meaningless sex with Louis, and decided I wasn't going to let Liam go through the same thing. He's so much better than that.

I went and sat in my bed with the condom in hand and the lights on. I waited an hour before he came back, looking completely fucked out. His hair was a mess, clothes rumpled, flush on his face and he actually reeked of sex. He looked at me like a deer in headlights when he saw I wasn't asleep.

My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon