Chapter 14

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Zayn's POV

After we both got ready for school, we walked down the busy dorm room hallways with Niall's hand in mine and everyone's eyes glued to us both. Niall must have even noticed because he tucked himself close into my side. Sure, I thought people would think this is weird or whenever, but I didn't think they would actually stop what they were fucking doing to stare at us. I felt like yelling at everyone to just get over it because it's not going to change even if you stare. I don't even see the big deal, well I do, but it shouldn't be of their concern.

Somehow we made it down to the cafeteria where breakfast was in full swing with everyone talking and eating. The quiet roar of the room stopped when we both walked in. That was about all I could handle before my anger got the best of me. I dropped Niall's hand and stepped through the door.

"Can you all get over yourselves? He's my boyfriend. Get over it and move on to something more shocking than the fact I'm not dating you!" I yelled at all the stupid boys in this room. They all looked away except for the people at the jock table. My whole team had their mouths wide open as well as their eyes. Liam was sitting next to Harry with a huge smile on his face. Harry looked the same as Liam, but that didn't shock me. I looked over at Louis and held back a laugh at how shocked he looked. It was comical. I guess he thought that me and Niall's relationship was something he could blackmail me with, well he thought wrong. I'm not embarrassed of Niall, not like his parents were. I'm also not going to hide the fact he's my boyfriend. Niall deserves everyone to know he's wanted by someone and taken by someone that will beat their ass if they do anything to him.

We both got our breakfast and made our way to a table that Niall sits at everyday, or when he actually does eat. I kissed his cheek and smiled, feeling proud that I get to call him my boyfriend, then started eating. Two bites into my french toast, Harry and Liam came over with their food and sat down.

"Mind if we join you?" Harry asked both of us. Niall scoot closer to me and curled up on himself. I knew that ment he was scared about something, so I leaned down and asked him what was wrong. His answer made any appetite I had leave asked well as my two friends.

"The curly boy will hit me like my daddy. My daddy had big hands and green eyes sometimes. He hits me when I eat food if I don't ask him. Niall is sorry." Niall mumbled loud enough for all of us to hear him. I pulled him onto my lap and held him. I felt his little body trembling so I looked up at Harry. Harry looked so guilty, but he caught the look I gave him and moved to sit beside me.

"Hey, Niall. I'm not going to hurt you ever. You're a good kid and I'm not going to hurt you. I promise you, I won't hit you. I'm Harry, not your dad. Look." Harry told the boy in my arms then got a piece of french toast from my plate on a fork and put it in front of Niall's lips.

"Open up for the yummy french toast before I just feed it to Zayn. Zayn is fat and eats eveything. I love giving food to everyone. You never need to ask for food around me, see." Harry proved his point by shoving the food in my mouth, but missing the first time and getting syrup on my cheek. He saw how Niall liked that so with the next piece he missed three times getting syrup on my chin, nose and cheekbone. The last one made Niall's small giggles turn into laughs.

"See, I'm a good guy." Harry tried to convince Niall and it seemed to work because he climbed off my lap and continued eating. I wiped my face and gave Harry a small hug to thank him for being so good to my Niall. Maybe this will be a way for me to see who my true friends really are.

By the end of breakfast, about half of the football team ended up sitting with us and getting to know Niall. He stayed quite the whole time just smiling and scooting closer to me when too many questions were being asked his way, but that made all the guys coo at him or calm down a bit. There was still the other half of my team that was sitting at the stupid jock table that were all judging us and being the jackasses they are, but the rest of us were having fun. This is how things are supposed to be. Eveyone is equal, no matter who they are, we're all people.

"Zayn, when did you guys start talking?" One of the guys on my team, Josh, asked me. I kissed Niall's cheek fondly and grabbed his hand under the table.

"About two weeks ago or more, but we just clicked. He's just so sweet." The second I said those words, everyone at the table smiled and nodded.

"Well, we support you guys. Malik, you're going to be captain by the end of the season. You always make the right decision on the field, so no doubt you'll make it here." Josh told me, then got up as the bell rang. I felt this overwhelming feeling of relief and pride that I was actually being accepted for having Niall as my boyfriend. I honestly didn't think about anything this morning other than the fact that I wanted to call Niall mine. I didn't think about how other people would react until we started going down the hall and everyone was looking at us.

I leaned over and left a lingering kiss on Niall's cheek, wishing I could kiss his lips, then pulled back from him. I felt a soft pat on my shoulder, pulling me from seeing how sweet this boy is, and I turned my head to see Liam standing behind me happily.

"He looks so happy, he's glowing." Liam told me, then walked away. I looked at Niall and saw just what he was talking about. I don't know how to explain the look, other than he had this soft glow to his features. It was beautiful, no, he was beautiful.

We both got up and put our trays in the bin to be washed, then made our way out of the cafeteria to class. Everyone's spirits seemed to be up for a Monday morning. It was probably because this is our last week of school before we get our two weeks of spring break.

"Zayn, you are happy I'm you're boyfriend?" Niall asked as we made our way down the crowded hallways. I looked down and saw so much doubt was in his blue eyes, as well as happiness.

"I'm so happy you're my boyfriend. Don't ever think I'm not." I felt like some of those words Niall gets mocked with and taunted with might have had some effect on his self-esteem without him even knowing it. It was probably what was happening now, but he probably didn't even realize that's what was happening. Just like him being jealous by me and Liam in the same bed. He has feelings and doesn't know what they mean or where they come from, but he still has them.

"Niall is happy too." He told me with a giggle, then entered the classroom after he dropped my hand. I went to my assigned seat after I made sure Niall made it to his in the back without anyone bothering him. I feel like they would be stupid to now because he's my boyfriend and everyone knows I don't put up with shit.

Then bell rang signaling the beginning of class and I almost felt too relieved that Louis wasn't in his seat next to me. Of course, I felt relief much too soon because he walked in with his head down not even a minute later. Liam must have felt the same way because he groaned and slammed his head on his desk. It's weird that we all used to get along really well, now we just don't.

When Louis took his seat next to me, he looked up at me but the sight made my heart break for him. His eyes were red rimmed with tears building up in them, and this sad look in his blue eyes that made them look gray. He shook his head at me, then dropped his gaze.

"Why can't you see what's in front of you?" He asked me quietly, then turned to the front of the class. I didn't know what he ment by that, but didn't want to. I just wanted to know why this anger management boy was crying like a normal person. He's Louis Tomlinson, he doesn't show any emotions other than straight up anger and happiness. He's a slut bag that drops his boxers if you even mention the word dick and doesn't think of anyone else but himself. He doesn't cry, not over anything.

Halfway through the lesson when I was doodling out a cartoon of Niall to give to him later, a paper landed on my desk. It was small and folded over once so I picked it up. I really wish I never did because what was written on the inside had me more confused than ever.

We need to talk. I'm sorry...
-Louis x

A/N: well that happened! Haha getting real messy now! Comment / Vote!
                           - Bri;)

My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt