Chapter 20

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Zayn's POV

I just stood there completely shocked at his words, then got myself together as much as I could at the moment. I turned away and walked out of my own room. I wasn't going to talk to him and tell him to leave, no, I was going to leave because he doesn't love me. I don't love him and I definitely won't ever love him in my life time.

I walked down the hall after slamming the door to my room and went straight to Niall's room. If this day keeps getting worse, I might just explode and loose any control I had of myself. I just need to know that there's good in the world. I just need to be reminded that there was still someone sweet in my life.

I walked into Niall's room and saw him looking over a wrapped box while he was sitting on his bed. The box was wrapped in Batman wrapping paper, making me know it was from Liam. I walked over to Niall and sat beside him. He looked up from the box in his little hands, then gave it to me. I looked down at it and saw his name was written on it in Liam's hand writing.

"Niall needs help." The blonde boy mumbled out shyly, then hid his face in my arm. I smiled and took a deep breath, letting out all the anger I had and all the feelings of sadness. I was with Niall and he makes me beyond happy. I just need to remember that, now that I don't have Liam to depend on. It's almost like I also have this stress that just come over me. I have to always be strong now. Niall needs me and I can't ever let my guard down. I guess that's how Liam felt, but he always did end up coming to me with his problems. Well, until he started fucking Louis.

I looked down at the box in my hands ,and started ripping it opened. Niall turned his head to watch me as I did. Once all the paper was off, I saw it was just a regular cardboard box. I opened it, then handed it to Niall so he could see the gift inside of it. I watched his sweet face as he took the box and looked in. He smiled brightly, then pulled out a DVD case, handing it to me and reaching back into he box. It was the first Toy Story movie. The next DVD handed to me was the second, then the third. Next came all the Batman movies, all the Spider-Man movies and all the Superman movies. There was also some Disney Princess movies in there and both Cars movies.

"Liam is nice. We can all watch them together." Niall said happily as he set the now empty box down and smiled at me. My heart ached because I knew he didn't understand Liam wasn't exactly going to watch these with us ever. I set all the moves back into the box, then pulled Niall into my lap.

"Niall, Liam is going to a different school now. He's not going to watch them with us in person. Maybe tonight he can watch them with us on the computer." I told him and kissed his forehead. He turned to look at me with confusion all over his big eyes.

"Liam left like my mummy and daddy? Is it because Niall was bad?" He asked me, his voice cracking a bit and his eyes blinking extra to keep his tears in. I leaned in and kissed his lips softly. I could feel he didn't know what he was doing because he didn't move his lips when I did. I stopped trying to get him to kiss me back, and pulled back to look at him in his blue eyes with tears in them.

"No, Liam left because he wanted to be happy again. He's still your friend and you still make him happy, but he didn't like this school. It's not your fault, baby." I told him. I saw the confusion lift from his face and his eyes start to clear up the tears that were about to fall. He looked like he understood what was actually happening now, and he looked okay with it.

"Will Zayn miss Liam?" He asked me sweetly with allot of concern in his voice. I gave him a small smile to show him I was happy, even though that was so far from that. I was very sad and very angry. Both were caused by two different people. Yet, somehow I felt a small bit of joy and calmness just from being with Niall.

"I'll miss him allot, but I'll be okay." I told Niall, the last part was just to assure myself I will be okay. I have to be, I just hope my mum doesn't pull me out of this school so that the one person that makes me okay won't be apart of my life anymore. I can't have more than one loss a year. Liam was this year and that was big, so I think I'll be good for another year.

I watched as Niall's blue eyes looked down at my lips, then back up to my face with a small blush on his cheeks. He didn't even need to say anything because I knew what he wanted. I wanted it too, but I'm sure I wanted something a little more than what he knew was possible.

I leaned in and connected our lips together. I felt Niall shiver a little bit from where he was sitting on my lap and his hands grab for my shirt. I placed my hands around his thin hips and moved my lips slowly and innocently. He started to get the message this time because he moved his lips slowly against mine. He was so new to this that I could feel how lost he was, but I didn't care. I could finally kiss Niall and it was okay to do it. I'll teach him how to kiss me better just by going slow. I don't mind going slow at all for him. In fact, he's actually first real relationship so I'll go slow that way I make all the right choices.

Niall moved away from our kiss a bit breathless for a few seconds, then leaned back in to my lips. I knew he might be ready for the next thing because he seemed to be enjoying this small kissing we were doing. I slowly laid him down on his bed without breaking the kiss, then moved so I was hovering over his little body. One of his hands reach up and grabbed my shirt while I occupied his other hand by tangling our fingers together and placing it by his head.

I started having a small battle in my head if I should do what I wanted to do, or if I should just ignore my urges and keep the kiss clean and slow like it was. I decided I would test it out and see how he likes it and responded to it before I did it full out.

I testingly dipped my tongue in between his closed lips. A small squeak came from his mouth as he pulled away from our kiss. I was just trying to heat up a bit. He looked at me with a question in his eyes and I knew I was going to have to explain myself to him now. I leaned down and pecked his lips, but when I was about to pull back Niall's hand on the back of my head stopped me. I felt the tip of his tongue copy what my actions just were, but I opened my mouth slightly for him. That's when he really pulled away from me completely confused.

"Zayn wants m-my tongue in his mouth?" He asked me through his slightly swollen lips. I'm sure I blushed a deep shade of red as he asked this. I never really thought of how to answer this, or even how to explain it to him.

"Uh, that's how you snog..." I answered him awkwardly and really wanted to climb off him so I could lay down and cuddle him, but his hand was still on the back of my head holing me still. I saw the confusion in his eyes, but then he just shrugged and pulled me back down to kiss him.

I continued to slowly kiss him until I couldn't take it anymore. There were too many sparks and too many butterflies in my stomach to keep doing this. I dipped my tongue in his mouth and he opened for me slightly, just like I did. I gently pushed my tongue into his mouth until I glided it on the side of his own. He tasted so good, but what was even better was the fact Niall let out a broken moan the second I moved my tongue against his.

I continued to do this, while Niall pretty much just let me do what I was doing, occasionally kissing me back or moving his tongue against mine. I absolutely loved this because it felt like we were both learning how to do this together. I loved how slow and meaningful this was and I also loved the way Niall slowly started understanding what this was.

We both pulled way completely breathless, with swollen lips and shy smiles on both our faces. I pecked his lips one more time before I climbed off him and went to lay the right way on his bed. Niall followed what I did, and curled up to me and yawned.

"I liked that, Zyan." He whispered sleepily while I tired to get to blankets to cover us. When I got them up, we both cuddled closer to each other.

"I liked that too." I whispered back to him, feeling this giddy feeling in my heart as I thought of the way he tasted and felt. I absolutely loved it.

We were quite for a while, so I knew Niall fell asleep, leaving me with time to process the feeling I had in my heart. I didn't know how I went from super sad and angry to feeling like I'm floating on a cloud. There was only one way I could explain it, but I've never felt it before so I wasn't sure if it was real or not. This fuzzy feeling and feeling of joy could only be explained as one thing for this boy in my arms. I was afraid of feeling it, but knew that it might be the best thing in the world. Could the feeling I'm having be love?

A/N: Ziall be making out sweetly! Haha that was weird for me to write, but you know. Comment / Vote!
                              - Bri;)

My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن