Ch.53 "Did I Get Stabbed Again? Of Course, I Did"

Start from the beginning

"How dare you?"

"He's a strong man, it took him three whole hours of torture to say one useful sentence. And it required some threats to make him confess the rest. Threats about you, Amy, and Jane." He added, "He must have loved you, too bad he won't see you again."

The dagger touched my skin, very close to my right eye and could stab it at any second. But I didn't blink.

Brandon was tortured before I visited him, when I noticed that he was acting strangely, when he said he got a new mission. He was tortured by this psychopath. My brother was tortured....but why did he lie to me?

"Aren't you going to ask anything? Maybe beg me to let you go? Ask for a last wish? Nothing?"

"Not even in your dreams."

I could not free any of my hands, so I tried to kick him, but he was quick enough to stab my legs to force me to stay still.

I screamed. The pain was unbearable. Way worse than when my arm got accidentally stabbed when I was chased by wolves in that forest.

He said, looking bored, "Well, you brought this to yourself." He stabbed my left arm with the dagger.

Another scream, and the loudest I've ever had. Tears came down without a warning. And there was nobody willing to save me.

He took out the dagger and I was unable to move my left arm afterwards.

"Let's see," he said. "Which part would be the most painful and the slowest to kill?"

I glared at him and said with tears still running down my face, feeling as if I was close to death, "Just stab me in the heart and end it if you're so smart."

"Nope, that wouldn't be fun."

"A lot of villains said that before you, and they didn't have a happy ending."

"I don't want to kill you...maybe not now. leaving you here for Lloyd to find would be so much fun if you had a few seconds to say your last words. It wouldn't happen if you were already dead."

He brought the bloody dagger to my left elbow. "Any last questions?"

I asked, feeling dizzy as my vision was slowly drifting away from blood loss, "Where's Brandon?"

"I don't know. Home? He can't attack anyone or move too much with his injuries." He said, "His new mission was to kill you himself, but since he couldn't seem to do it, we had to change the plan at the last second."

He added for the last time, "And one more thing, Garmadon sent you this." He carved my left arm's skin with his dagger after he teared up and threw my sleeve away.


Brandon flew over the city before landing on top of a random building. He couldn't find Y/n anywhere. What if Francis got to her already? What if she was already dead?

He did not give space for any of his thoughts to develop as he jumped down the building from balcony to balcony and landed on his feet on the ground. Breathing got harder the more he moved.

He only dressed up in his work uniform because it could carry his weapons which could be useful in a situation like this. He didn't stop by to help or hurt anybody. His only goal was to find Y/n and save her before it was too late.

Garmadon's Octoshar mech was enormous and looked way creepier than before, because of the night sky. And to make it creepier, Octoshar destroyed the power stations and the electricity shut down everywhere in the city.

He dodged the starfish and the bullets flying around and stopped in his place when he saw who was standing in front of him.

Jane, who was running for her life, couldn't look any more shocked than she was when she saw Brandon's uniform.

"Jane, it's dangerous for you to be here!" He tried to take her hand and run, but she took a step back.

She looked heartbroken. " with them..."

"We don't have time to-" He grabbed her before a bullet could hit her head. "We can talk later. You have to go and hide somewhere or you'll get hurt."



He ducked when a starfish jumped towards him.

Jane said before she left, staring Brandon in the eyes, "I shouldn't have gone on that date with you."

She ran away, and he was only brought to reality when that starfish attacked him again, but it got shot the next second by Charlie, the general who arranged Brandon's date with Jane.

"General number one went that way," Charlie said and pointed somewhere. "Across the street from the arcade."

"Thanks." Brandon ran there as fast as he could and hoped that he would arrive before Y/n could take her last breath.

Because he knew he was taking his.

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