Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

For days, Mia didn't move from the fountain as she sat and grieved the loss of everything she had ever known. Sometimes she cried and sometimes she stared up at the bright blue sky that now brightened the Love Holidaze.

Occasionally she'd change position when she became numb. She'd roll over to her other side, but that was her only motion.

Cupid watched her with growing apprehension. Every day he tried to get her to move but to no avail. All she did was ignore him.

After a few days he realised the uselessness of his endeavour. He continued to watch her from the window of his whimsical cottage.

It was only after a week of worry when Cupid recalled Meri. Perhaps her friend could help to snap Mia from the doldrums.

As soon as he thought it, he found himself walking towards Santa's Village. He needed to do something to stem the heartache of mooning Mia. He knew what that lead to.

"Cupid, what an unexpected surprise," Meri said when she opened her door to see the God of Love standing before her.

"It's about Mia," Cupid blurted.

Meri couldn't hide her grin, "I never would've suspected that," she drawled.

"I need your help."

Meri rushed over to the Love Holidaze the moment Cupid informed her, very briefly, of what had happened. She had found it hard to hide her shock at the recent occurrences in Mia's life, but managed.

Mia had her hand dipping in the water of the fountain as she stared at her reflection. It shimmered and shook in the crystal-clear water when she moved her hand. It was only the addition of another face next to hers that made her pause.

Mia lifted her head to see her best friend smiling down at her. She wasn't sure what to say or do but tears began to leak uncontrollably from her eyes.

"Goddess of Love, huh?" Meri asked with raised brows.

"It's not fair! My life, they stole my life from me without asking. They didn't even enquire as to whether I might even want to be the stupid Goddess to this place," Mia blubbered.

"How about you come back to Santa's Village with me. We can talk it over until you feel better about the whole situation," Meri encouraged.

Mia perked up the tiniest bit. Santa's Village was her home away from home. It was the one place she had loved that wasn't back in the earthly dimension. Maybe she could find some clarity in Santa's Village about her new existence.

"Yeah, let's do that."

With Cupid once again watching from the cottage windows, Meri took Mia out of the Love Holidaze where she belonged. That hurt Cupid more than he liked to think about. Without any good reason, he found his eyes following Mia's departure.

He'd rely on the Match-a-Matic until Mia found it in herself to take up the role of the Goddess of Love. Cupid just couldn't bring himself to match any couples without her.

Mia sat with a cup of hot, delicious cocoa in front of her, while Meri waited patiently for her friend to talk. She tapped her fingernails against the side of the mug and looked around.

"Cupid came over here pretty worried about you," Meri said to break the ice and give her friend somewhere to start.

"That's only because he's stuck with me and I'm not pulling my weight," Mia said while shaking her head.

"I think it was a bit more than that. I get the feeling that the God of Love might have actually started caring for someone other than himself," Meri insisted.

It's all Cupid's fault (The Holidaze Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now