Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Devinah couldn't contain her laugh as letter after charred letter arrived, to the point where they almost filled the room. She couldn't wait for Cupid to return and see what his latest failure had caused.

Cupid stormed into his building with fury fighting with the devastation he had never expected from Caramia's words. How dare that woman say anything about his realm! She knew nothing about love. How dare she call it depressing!

"That woman!" Cupid complained.

He tried to march into the office area, but it took greater difficulty than usual, and that made his fury burn brighter. Pushing against an unyielding door only to find it wedged with something made him curse.

Cupid frowned at the door and gave it an abrupt shove that sent it flying open. Papers fluttered around him like belligerent snow, and a charred aroma filled the air.

"What are you doing now, Devinah?" Cupid snapped, his patience vanishing.

"This isn't me," Devinah replied through the mountain of paperwork engulfing her. "What exactly did you do to Caramia Hayworth?" she asked smugly.

Cupid paused and frowned at the surrounding paperwork. He snatched one from the air and read it before a curse rent his lips. That woman had pushed things too far and had started using his words against him.

"Many of the letters say the same thing. 'Cupid is a dick', which seems to be a bit of a raging topic at the moment. The other thing I understand from this pile is that you never looked after her issue of finding a man," Devinah couldn't hide her amusement.

"This has no humour whatsoever," Cupid slapped the paper onto the desk.

"Oh, I believe it does. We've already had a visit from one of the Higher Gods. Hopefully, your replacement will do a much better job than you ever did," Devinah clicked her fingers and grinned wider.

"There's no replacing me."

"That's where you're wrong," Devinah sang as she handed him a note that didn't have a singed mark upon it. "This is for you."

Cupid didn't want to look at the paper. He didn't even want to touch it. The Higher Gods intended to put their foot down whether Cupid liked it or not.

"Damn you, Caramia Hayworth!" Cupid muttered under his breath.

He dared one glance at the paper and his heart sank to a depth he'd never felt before. The only words on the paper were 'change is on the wind.' They wanted to replace him all because he couldn't find the right fit for one fussy woman. How was that fair?

He knew what he had to do, and he dreaded it. Sucking up to Caramia Hayworth wasn't going to be at all easy. She'd be so smug about his grovelling.

What if he never found the right man for her? He groaned just thinking about that. The last thing he wanted was to spend more time in her vicinity, but he may have to spend her lifetime trying to make her happy. That was a daunting task.

Mia couldn't sleep. She started pacing her house and then had an extra glass of wine, which turned into the bottle. Even lying in a drunken heap on the couch she couldn't sleep.

Cupid, just thinking that name made her bubble with an uncontrollable rage. She wanted to rampage at him, but she couldn't. She wanted to throw things at his head, but she couldn't. She wanted to kiss him, where the heck had that thought come from? She quickly stamped on it and returned to thoughts of throwing things at him.

After her parents bailed her out of jail and dropped her off, while grinning wildly, she had the first glass of wine. The moment she started writing the notes was when the bottle vanished without her really noticing.

It's all Cupid's fault (The Holidaze Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now