Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Mia needed to talk to someone about all that had happened in her life recently. She desperately wanted to talk to Meri, but she also didn't want to mention Cupid.

There was no way she could tell anyone who worked for her or her parents, or anyone else. Nobody would believe her, except for Meri.

She wanted to talk about that kiss, the spectacular kiss she had shared with Cupid. No, she scolded herself, she didn't, that kiss was the last thing on her mind. If only it was, and that was a part of the problem. She didn't want to see Cupid through starry eyes and dreamy looks when he was the closest thing she'd ever had to an enemy.

With the phone line still down between the dimensions, she couldn't talk to her best friend even if she wanted to. On a whim, Mia picked up the phone like contraption that she used for communicating between the dimensions. She had to give it a chance, and right now she needed access to the Holidaze dimension.

"Mia!" Meri's voice startled Mia because she hadn't expected even a vague connection, but this signal came through strongly and she could see her friend clearly. "You made it home, how did that happen? You were here just before the blizzard struck and I've been so worried about you. I thought you were stuck out there."

Mia scrubbed at her forehead for a moment as she took in Meri's concern. Her friend didn't know about the magical suction that Cupid had put her through. When Mia had last come back from the other dimension, it hadn't been at her choosing, and she had left her friend fretting over her.

"I'm fine. That blizzard must have blown me back to this dimension," Mia knew how ridiculous she sounded. "I've been trying to contact you since I got back. I can finally get through. What happened to the connection? I haven't been able to talk to you for ages," Mia couldn't hide her relief.

"We had a huge blizzard and lost communications everywhere, including within Santa's Village, so we just hunkered down until it dwindled away. We couldn't even send out search parties for you, it was that bad. It took ages to disappear and that's the biggest one I've been in since I've come to live in this dimension.

"Today's the first day that we could finally get through the mountain of snow that's built up around our place. Honestly, I'm in the middle of organising a search party to head out and look for you, so I'm glad you rang. Now I can call it off and we can focus on cleaning up the mess around Santa's Village.

"It's been crazy. Sander's had to go and check in with the other Holidaze because we lost our connection with them as well. I told him to get the connection between the dimensions up to see if you'd somehow made it home," Meri explained, which left Mia frowning.

As Meri spoke, an idea occurred to Mia. The only way Mia left Santa's Village was by the use of a magical suction. She recalled Meri mentioning before that they often had bad weather after she left. Could there be a connection?

"Out of curiosity, could a magical suction cause that sort of intense blizzard?" Mia asked.

"That's not where I thought this conversation would lead. Knowing that you've been safe at home is such a relief, but I'm expecting the wail of despair over how you've had nobody to complain to about your date failures," Meri teased and Mia groaned, imagining if her friend knew everything, it would've kept her amused forever.

"Do you know the answer to my question?" Mia persisted.

"What's going on with you to ask about a magical suction?"

"Just answer."

"I honestly don't know."

"Say a magical suction happened in one of the other Holidaze, would it affect Santa's Village?" Mia asked

It's all Cupid's fault (The Holidaze Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon